Messages Behind the Sound: Real-time Hidden Acoustic Signal Capture with Smartphones
A lateral field excited AlN film bulk acoustic enzyme biosensor was reported for the highly sensitiv
Lateral field excited film bulk acoustic resonator for detection of protein-ligand interactions
ELT: Energy-Level-Based Hytrid Transmission in Underwater Sensor Acoustic Networks
VSkin: Sensing Touch Gestures on Surfaces of Mobile Devices Using Acoustic Signals
To determine the amplitude of weak sinusoidal water surface acoustic wave (WSAW), a method based on
Acoustic toolbox需要在windows上面编译,官网上没有讲如何编译,本文档详细介绍了编译的流程
The interaction of multi-channel surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and a guided optical wave in fiber is
Flow noise characterization of gas-liquid two-phase flow based on acoustic emission