This paper presents the detailed model of a double clutch actuator with a suitable control algorithm. Firstly, there is an introduction into the theory of a double clutch transmission and the aim of this project. The simulation model with a Dymola R and a MATLAB R /Simulink R part is discussed. The library of a vehicle model with a highly detailed hydromechanical clutch is introduced, which includes models with different levels of detail. The modeling of the hydraulic and the mechanic parts of the clutch actuator is discussed, concentrating on the problem of determining the parameters of the actuator modules e.g., the hydraulic valves. Some parts could not be used from existing Dymola R libraries, in those cases, new models are created based on Modelica code. A translational lever is pictured with its source code. Furthermore the non-linear behavior of the clutch actuator and control design is described. To verify this model and the suitable closed loop controller, the algorithm is tested with an up-shift cycle in a vehicle model with a double clutch transmission. The simulation results are presented with a global view of the driver inputs, the speed, the torque of the vehicle model and the gear status. Additionally the local view of the clutch actuator is shown with the cylinder pressure, the clutch position and the clutch capacity (torque). Finally there is a summary and an outlook on the further development of this library.