Performance of Network Redundancy in SCTP

khs898 36 0 PDF 2018-12-25 12:12:52

This paper is a first step in evaluating SCTP multi-homing performance and introducing the effect of different network factors like concurrent traffic, congestion control algorithms and different SACK timers. There is a significint weakness in our work which we have planned to address in near future. We have used only one CMT-SCTP source to estabalish SCTP multi-homined association, multiple CMT-SCTP associations can be tested for such network factors. The researchers working on SCTP have also introduced another concurrent multi path transfer using SCTP multi-homing called CMT with a potentially failed destination state (CMT-PF). In the future a work can be presented to evaluate CMT vs CMT-PF on the basis of factors like concurrent traffic, congestion control algorithms and SACK timers.

Performance of Network Redundancy in SCTP
