Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids

u488481361 50 0 PDF 2018-12-25 14:12:13

Raspberry Pi 是信用卡大小的开源硬件,这是一篇介绍让孩子如何学会利用这些开源软硬件制作令人感兴趣的小项目Ras pberry pi projects for KidsCopyright o 2014 Packt PublishiingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded incritical articles or reviewsrt has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracyof the information presented However the information contained in this book issold without warranty, cither express or implied. Neither the author nor PaclPublishing and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damagescaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published March 2014Production reference: 1180314Published by Packt Publishing ltdLivery place35 Livery streetBirmingham b3 2PB UKISBN978-1-78398-222-6www.packtpub.comCover Image by istock. com/pringlettaCreditsAuthorProject CoordinatorDaniel batesMrudula ManjrekarReviewersProofreaderGeorg BisselingMaria gouldColin deadPrasanna gautamIndexerSungjin hanPriya SubramaniClaes JakobssonGraphicslan McAlpineRonak dhruvAcquisition EditorsProduction coordinatorHarsha bhararKomal ramchandaniKunal parikhCover worlContent Development EditorKomal ramchandaniMohammed fahadTechnical editorsKrishnaveni haridaAnkita thakurCopy EditorsInsiya morbiwalaKirti PaAbout the authorDaniel Bates is a Computer Science researcher at the University of CambridgeHis day job involves inventing designs for future mobile phone processors, andor both!). Daniel has been a volunteer for the Raspberry Pi Foundation since zuli Ctswhen he goes home, he likes playing games or working on one of his coding projeand is enthusiastic about introducing new people to computing. He has previouslywritten Instant Minecraft: Pi edition Coding How-to, Packt PublishingAbout the reviewersGeorg Bisseling is a software developer with two decades of experience inmany fields as diverse as neural networks, cryptography radio monitoring, higlperformance computing, and business intelligence systems. He lives in Bonn, theFormer cpital city of Western germanyColin Deady started his career in IT in the late 1990s when he discovered softwaretesting("They want me to break it? ) having previously fallen in love withcomputers, thanks to his parents buying a ZX8l and ZX Spectrum+ for him andhis brother in the 1980s. he graduated to using an amiga 1200 in the early 1990sand spent countless hours learning the insides of the operating system. Now, with14 years of experience in testing he works as a Test Manager with an emphasis ontest automation, extolling the virtues of Agile using Kanban and behavior-drivendevelopment to great effect (test early, test often; fix early, fix often). In his sparetimeColinispartoftheeditorialteamforTheMagpi(www.themagpi.com),acommunity-written magazine for the Raspberry Pi. With several published articlesnd having reviewed and edited many more he has built up extensive knowledgeon this tiny platform. He can also be found jointly running The Magpi stand atregular Bristol DigiMakers events in the UK, demonstrating things such as aremote control robot arm, a roverbot, and led display boards, all of which he hasprogrammed in Python on the raspberry Pi. He currently runs a blog related to allfeaturesoftheRaspberryPiatwww.rasptutPrasanna gautam is an engineer who wears many different hats depending onthe occasion. He graduated from Trinity College in 2011 and is currently working asa software engineer at espn on cool projects He has worked on building robots thatextinguish fires in firefighting contests and robots that autonomously moved aroundobstacles. He was involved with the One Laptop Per Child (oLPc)event in Nepalnd is fascinated by educational projects that teach programming and logic to kidsIn his free time, Prasanna attempts to play the guitar and make sense of music theorySungjin Han likes to ride a bicycle and loves to tinker around on the dark terminalhe also enjoys newly released gadgets and technologies. Now, he is working for astartup in South Korea, looking for some more interesting stuff to dive in toClaes jakobsson started his career in the mid-90s and quickly became involvedin the open source community, hacking code and organizing stuff in his hometownof Stockholm. Although Perl is his primary focus, he made forays into PostgreSQLCURL and other projects. His daytime occupation has been mostly financial systemsbut at night, playing with embedded systems, microcontrollers, virtual machines,compilers, and the interest du jour kept the mind at bay. He is a technologist atheart with a mind to share and he is always eager to see what happens nextIan Mcalpine was first introduced to computers at his school, to the researchmachine rml-380Z and his physics teacher s compukit UK101. That was followedby a Sinclair ZX81 and then a BBC Micro Model a, which he has to this dayThat interest resulted in an meng in electronic systems engineering from astonUniversity and an msc in Information Technology from the university of liverpoolIan is currently a senior product owner at SAP. The introduction of the raspberry pirekindled his desire to"tinker", but also provided an opportunity to give back to thecommunity. Consequently, lan is a very active volunteer working on The MagPi,a monthly magazine for the raspberry Pi, which you can read online or downloadforfreefromwww.themagpi.comI would like to thank my darling wife louise, and my awesomekids, Emily and Molly, for their patience and supportWww.Packtpub.comSupport files, e Books, discount offers and moreYoumightwanttovisitwww.packtpub.comforsupportfilesanddownloadsrelatedto your bookDid you know that Packt offers e Book versions of every book published, with PDFandepuBfilesavailable?Youcanupgradetotheebookversionatwww.packtpubcom and as a print book customer, you are entitled to a discount on the e Book copy.Get in touch with us at service@packtpub com for more detailsAtwww.packtpub.comyoucanalsoreadacollectionoffreetechnicalarticlessign up for a range of free newsletters and receive exclusive discounts and offerson packt books and ebooks团 PACKIEhttp://packtlib.Packtpub.comDo you need instant solutions to your IT questions? Packt Lib is Packt's online digilnoksbook library. Here, you can access, read and search across Packt's entire library of booksWhy Subscribe?Fullysearchable across every book published by PacktCopy and paste, print and bookmark contentOn demand and accessible via web browserFree Access for packt account holdersIfyouhaveanaccountwithpacktatwww.Packtpubcom,youcanusethistoaccessPackt Lib today and vicw nine entirely free books Simply use your login credentialsfor immediate accessTable of contentsPrefaceChapter 1: Getting Started with the Raspberry PiMaterials neededPower supplyStorageInputVideoNetwork56667788Preparing the sd cardStarting up the raspberry pi10Using your Raspberry Pi13The command line13Updating and installing new software14Other uses for Raspberry Pi15Troubleshooting16SummaryChapter 2: Making Your Own Angry Birds Game19Scratch20Hello world!21Code tourCreating a characterCreating a level25Moving the character26Initialization26Moving with the keyboard27Launch28Flight30

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids

Generic placeholder image 卡了网匿名网友 2018-12-25 14:12:13

good book worth to read

Generic placeholder image 卡了网匿名网友 2018-12-25 14:12:13
