IBM AIX 7操作系统安装过程

dream4616 35 0 PDF 2018-12-25 17:12:04

本文档是一份关于AIX在IBM服务器上的安装步骤 非常适合新手和初学者的一份文档AⅨ专家俱乐部(不管了,理所当然选择Eng1ish,然后进入下面的界面中Select the Type of base operating system InstallationYou have the option of using a quick Base Operating System(BoS)installation that simplifies the process of installing theo perating system and is intended for installing the operatingsystem on a new system. Several options are set to defaults tominimize your required input.IfYou want to install an to the firstYou do not want to install ax to theinternal disk (disko)first internal disk (diskorYou do not wish to install the defaultdesktop(CDEYou wish to install with securityoptionsAX)6then use Quick Installthen use Traditional InstallQuick InstallTraditional Install这个简单明了,GU上的字我就不解释了,需要说的就是,如果选择 Traditional instal的话,那么界面就又会和AIX6之前的安装界面的,和以前一模一样的:我当然是选择Quick insta1l啦接下来就是安装摘要,如图:AⅨ专家俱乐部是面向髙端基础架构设计、系统管理人员的技术交流社区,主要服务对象以AX用户和潜在用户为主AⅨ专家俱乐部( of the Bos InstallationMost of the values have been set to defaults to simp lify theinstallation. Some of the default values can be changed after theinitial installation from the management interfaceThe Bos installation will destroy or imp air recovery of all dataon the destination diskDisk to install todiskoLanguage:C(POSIXCultural Convention: C(POSDOKeyboardC(POSIX keyboardSecurity LevelStandardDesktopCDEAIX)6Start Quick InstallExit to Traditional Install没什么好改的,就用默认配置,选择 Start Quick Insta11,开始安装了Installing Base Operating SystemPlease waitApproximateElapsed timetasks complete (in minutes)AⅨX专家俱乐部是面向高端杄基础架构设计、系统管理人员的技术交流社区,主要服务对象以AX用户和潜在用户为主AⅨ专家俱乐部(安装完成后会自动重启,进入 Configuration Assistant界面:Configuration AssistantIndicate by clicking on the appropriate button below whether you accept or decline the terms of the license agreements coveringinstalled softwareAcceptDeclineView LicensesAccept后,如图:Configuration AssistantThe initial portion of your installation is complete, but you might need to performsome configuration tasks or install additional software to finish setting up yoursystemAthough you may not need to perform any of these tasks at this time, revew thelist of recommended configuration tasks in the next window, and considercompleting these tasks before continuing with the setup of your systenNextCancelAⅨ专家俱乐部是面向髙端基础架构设计、系统管理人员的技术交流社区,主要服务对象以AX用户和潜在用户为主AⅨ专家俱乐部(继续Next:The following tasks may be optional. You can select only the tasks that you need to complete now. You will be returned to thiswindow when each task is completed. when you have completed all the tasks that you want to perform, select the ExitConfiguration Assistant task.Which task would you like to do next?O Set or verify system date and timeO Set password for administrator (root userO Configure network communications (TCP/IP)O Manage softwareD Exit the Configuration AssistantNextCancel上面的配置都很傻瓜,配置完成后继续Next。Configuration AssistantExit Configuration AssistantYou have completed all the installation and configuration tasks provded by configuration Assistant. After you exit, you can log inand use your system, and you can choose to return to Configuration Assistant at another time. Depending on how you exitConfiguration Assistant may or may not automatically restart the next time you reboot the systemSelect the first option button below to prevent Configuration Assistant from restarting each time the system rebootsSelect the second option button below if you want to restart Configuration Assistant each time the operating system is restartedO Finish now, and do not start Configuration Assistant when restarting the operating systemO Finish now, and restart Configuration Assistant when restarting the operating system.Back FinitCancel点击 Finish配置完成!AⅨ专家俱乐部是面向髙端基础架构设计、系统管理人员的技术交流社区,主要服务对象以AX用户和潜在用户为主AⅨ专家俱乐部(最后show一下AIX7的 login界面:Welcome to i twinsPlease enter your user nameAXOKStart OveOptionsHelp看到了吧,旁边人人的AIX70(∩∩)0哈哈总的来说,安装过程没什么改变啦(就安装过程需要做的配置来说,也没啥需要改变的啦),就是在如今华丽丽CUI安装风盛行下,AIX仍然保留部分健壮的字符安装,不得不说是非常朴实无华,重剑无锋啊。0(∩_)0哈哈AⅨ专家俱乐部是面向髙端基础架构设计、系统管理人员的技术交流社区,主要服务对象以AX用户和潜在用户为主

IBM AIX 7操作系统安装过程

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