
青春做伴 87 0 PDF 2018-12-25 18:12:40

OpenCV在Ubuntu上脚本自动安装,通过shell脚本,直接在linux环境下进行安装。若shell脚本不行,查看网络是否正常,实在不行,有pdf文件进行传统安装步骤。201510/20Installing OpencV 2.4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS- Sebastian Montabone20200)-阳:cq口2If you zoom in enough, you can see the RGB (or intensity) vElues for each pixel3中+日口PP273,Y26-R2tG2gBNow let s build some samples included in Opencv2 chmog penCV-2.4. 1/samples/c1cd~/0x build all. sh3./build all. shNow we are ready to run t he examples1./ facedetect--cascade="/usr/local/share/OpenCV/haarcas cades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"--scale=1.5lena. jp/facedetect --cascade="/usr/local/share/OpenCV,haarcas cades/haarcascade frontalface alt xml--nested-cascade=/usr/local/share/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_eye. xml--scale=1. 5 lena. jpg1 -/0penCv-2. 4.1/build/bin/grabcut x/OpenCv-241/samples/cpp/lena. ]Pg OpenCV 2.4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS- Sebastian Montabone1-/0pen CV-2. 4.1/build/bin/calibration_artificial1 python -/OpenCV-241/samples/python/turing. pyPosted in Image Processing, Open Source, ProgrammingBy santal June 24, 2012401 ResponsesStay in touch with the conversation, subscribe to the rss fen lo commmentsDiego saysAwesome Tutorial, many thanksJunc28,2012,10:08pmwIsnu saysVery dctail instruction. Thanksby the way, I want to use opencv without terminal. do you have any sugestion, what aplicat on should i use?July l,2012,11:03arsamontab saysmmm, I am not really sure about what your question is..Opencv is just a library, you can usc it in other programsJuly 1, 2012, 2: 00 pm OpenCV 2.4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS- Sebastian Montabone4.Daniel saysI come across an problem: "Looking for ffmpeg/avforrat. h- nct foundCan you tell me how should i deal with it?July2,2012,6:25amaysI have ins Lalled opec correctly i think using yur perfect tutorial but i cannot seem Lo find the binaries inside the/build/bin directory what am i doing wrong?July2,2012,11:10amsamontab saysLet's see, t:le first slep tlaL I would check is the cake liue, with Lwo cots at the end. Make sure that you copy and pastethe commands to do exactly the same. You should be inside the build directory, and the last argument of cmake should be twoIf you have OpenCV correctly installed in your system, with sudo make install, then everything should be OKOpencv libraries are stored in/usr/local/ binilocal/l ibr/local/sh/usr/local/ includeI hope this helps you.Juy2,2012,1:05pmsamontab saysIf in the last report FFMPEG appears as detected, then you can ignore that. If FFMPEG appears as not supported, then you needtc install it firstYou car do that by just installing the following librariesdo apt-gct install libavcodcc-dev libavformat-dev libswscalc-devBut those are already inc luded in the tutorial, so you should already have them.cific version cf ffmpegile it and install ithttd://,2012,1:08You are we come Diego, I am glad I could he lpJuly 2, 2012, 1: 08 pm10samontab sayscu are welcome loi:austin saysThanks for being awesulle, this was su unbelievably helpful. OpenCV really should puL your TuTorial on the ir site. Saved Lle seysamontab saysThanks Aus Lin, that was all awesome cullen:July7,2012,11:20aT13.When I try to run an Opencv program after instal lation with Codeblocks i got. the error:error while loading shared libraries: libopercy highgui su cannot opell shared objectOnce i edited opencv. conf and followed the succeeding steps out lined here, the program ran successfullyThank you OpencV 2.4.1 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS- Sebastian MontaboneJuly9,2012,12:36p14samontab saysGood to know that it works for you tooJuly9,2012,12:39pmhugo saysWuw, a great lely Lo e. Tha: Iks a lot.:July1,2012,9:00samon tab saysYou are welcomeJuly13,2012,4:04pIck saysThat' s an amazing guide PBut, Can you tell me how can I code with itI want to make prograMs with opencv, How can i do that?ThanksJuly13,2012,6:58ntab saysStart by locking at the examples, and edit them.You car write programs for OpenCV mostly in C, C++ and python.For C, C++ programs you can use cmake to compile the, or just. pkg-configIf you have a valid C/C++ program in the file maiI. cpp, you can compile it with this linegII pkg config cflags libs opency C main main cppJuly 13, 2012, 7: 51pr19.、d34d3tu5saysAmazing!!!! Thanks a Lot for ur work.July14,2012,1:34asamontab saysYou are welcomeJuly14,2012,3:36pm21.

