Head First C# 3rd Edition(深入浅出C#)

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《Head First C#》是学习面向对象编程、C#和Visual Studio IDE的绝佳途径。讲授了从垃圾回收到扩展方法以至双缓冲动画等多方面知识。你还将掌握C#的最的热门语法LINQ,可以用来查询.NET集合、SQL数据库等不同来源的数据。读完这本书,你将成为一名水平高超的C#程序员,完全有能力设计和开发大型应用。Advance praise for head first itHead First C# is a great book, both for brand new developers and developers like myself coming froma Java background. No assumptions are made as to the reader's proficiency yet the material builds upquickly enough for those who are not complete newbies-a hard balance to strike. This book got me upto speed in no time for my first large scale C# development project at work I highly recommend itShalewa Odusanya, Technical Account Manager, GoogleHead First C# is an excellent, simple, and fun way of learning C#. It's the best piece for C# beginnersI've ever seen the samples are clear, the topics are concise and well written. The mini-games that guideyou through the different programming challenges will definitely stick the knowledge to your brain. Agreat learn-by-doing bookJohnny Halife, Chief Architect, Mural. lyHead First C# is a comprehensive guide to learning C# that reads like a conversation with a friend. Themany coding challenges keep it fun, even when the concepts are toughRebeca Duhn-Krahn, founding partner at Semphore Solutions" Ive never read a computer book cover to cover, but this one held my interest from the first page to thelast. If you want to learn C# in depth and have fun doing it, this is the book for youAndy Parker, fledgling C# programmerIt's hard to really learn a programming language without good engaging examples, and this book is fullof them! Head First C# will guide beginners of all sorts to a long and productive relationship with C#and the. NET Framework-Chris Burrows, developer for Microsofts C# Compiler teamWith Head First Ct, Andrew and enny have presented an excellent tutorial on learning C#. It is veryapproachable while covering a great amount of detail in a unique style. If you' ve been turned off bymore conventional books on C#, you'll love this one.ay Hilyard, software developer, co-author of C# 3.0 CookbookId reccomend this book to anyone looking for a great introduction into the world of programming andC#. From the first page onwards, the authors walks the reader through some of the more challenginconcepts of C# in a simple, easy-to-follow way. At the end of some of the larger projects/labs, thereader can look back at their programs and stand in awe of what they've accomplishedDavid Sterling, developer for Microsofts Visual C# Compiler teamHead First C# is a highly enjoyable tutorial, full of memorable examples and entertaining exercises. Itslively style is sure to captivate readers from the humorously annotated examples, to the Fireside chatswhere the abstract class and interface butt heads in a heated argument! For anyone new to programminthere's no better way to dive inJoseph Albahari, C# Design Architect at Egton Medical Information Systems,the Uks largest primary healthcare software supplier,co-author of C#3.0 in a NutshellHead First C#] was an easy book to read and understand. I will recommend this book to any developerwanting to jump into the C# waters. I will recommend it to the advanced developer that wants tounderstand better what is happening with their code. [I will recommend it to developers who] want tofind a better way to explain how C# works to their less-seasoned developer friends-Giuseppe Turitto, C# and asp.NET developer for Cornwall Consulting GroupAndrew and Jenny have crafted another stimulating Head Firscomputer, and enjoy the ride as you engage your left brain, right brain, and funny bone.-Bill Mietelski, software engineer'goingthrough this Head First C# book was a great experience. I have not come across a book serieswhich actually teaches you so well..This is a book I would definitely recommend to people wanting tolearn c#”Krishna Pala. MCPPraise for other head first booksI feel like a thousand pounds of books have just been lifted off of my head-Ward Cunningham, inventor of the Wiki and founder of the Hillside GroupJust the right tone for the geeked-out, casual-cool guru coder in all of us. The right reference forpractical development strategies-gets my brain going without having to slog through a bunch of tiredstale professor-speak-Travis Kalanick, Founder of Scour and Red SwooshMember of the mit trooThere are books you buy, books you keep, books you keep on your desk, and thanks to O'Reilly and theHead First crew, there is the penultimate category, Head First books. They're the ones that are dog-eared, mangled, and carried everywhere. Head First SQL is at the top of my stack. Heck, even the PDF Ihave for review is tattered and tornBill Sawyer, ATG Curriculum Manager, OracleThis book's admirable clarity, humor and substantial doses of clever make it the sort of book that helpseven non-programmers think well about problem-solving-Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing BoingAuthor, Dozen and Out in the Magic Kingdomand someone comes to Tozen. Someone leaves ozenPraise for other head first books"i received the book yesterday and started to read it. . and i couldn't stop. This is definitely tres cool. Itis fun, but they cover a lot of ground and they are right to the point. Im really impressedErich Gamma, IBM Distinguished Engineer, and co-author ofDesign PatternsOne of the funniest and smartest books on software design ive ever readAaron Laberge Vp Technology Espn.ComWhat used to be a long trial and error learning process has now been reduced neatly into an engagingMike Davidson, CEO, Newsvine, Inc.Elegant design is at the core of every chapter here, each concept conveyed with equal doses ofpragmatism and witKen Goldstein, Executive Vice President, Disney OnlineUsually when reading through a book or article on design patterns, Id have to occasionally stick myselfin the eye with something just to make sure I was paying attention. Not with this book. Odd as it maysound, this book makes learning about design patterns funWhile other books on design patterns are saying Bueller.. Bueller.. Bueller.. this book is on the floatbelting out Shake it up, baby!Eric WuehlerI literally love this book. In fact, I kissed this book in front of my wifeSatish Kumarother related books from O ReillyProgramming c# 4.0C#t 4.0 in a nutshellC# EssentialsC# Language pocket Referenceother books in O Reilly's Head First seriesHead first javaHead First object-Oriented Analysis and Design(OoA&D)Head Rush AjaxHead first hTml with css and xhtmlHead First Design PatternsHead first servlets and jsPHead first ejBHead First PmPHead First SQLHead First Software DevelopmentHead First JavaScriptHead First AjaxHead first statisticsHead First PhysicsHead First ProgrammingHead first ruby on railsHead First PHP MySQLHead First AlgebraHead First Data AnalysisHead first excelHead First c#tThird editionWOULDN'T IT BE DeEAMY IFTHERE WAS A c+ BOOK THAT WAsA2REF训 N THAN MEM2R|zNaA PHONE B0OK? IT'S PROBABLYNOTHING BUT A FANTASY.Andrew stellmanJennifer greene○ REILLYBeijing· Cambridge·Koi· Sebastopol.7okyoHead first ciiThird editionby Andrew Stellman and Jennifer GreeneCopyright C 2013 Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene. All rights reservedPrinted in the United states of americaPublished by o reilly media, Inc, 1005 Gravenstein Highway north, Sebastopol, CA95472O'Reilly media books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are alsoavailableformosttitles(http://my.safaribooksonline.com.Formoreinformationcontactourcorporate/institutionalsalesdepartment:(800)998-9938orcorporate(@oreilly.comSeries creators:Kathy sierra, Bert batesCover Designers:Louise barr, Karen MontgomeryProduction EditornMelanie yarbroughProofreadersRachel monaghanIndexerEllen Troutman-zaigPage Viewers:Quentin the whippet and Tequila the pomeranianPrinting History:November 2007: First EditionMay 2010: Second EditionAugust 2013: Third EditionThe O Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O Reilly Media, Inc. The Head First series designations, Head First C#and related trade dress are trademarks of O Reilly Media, IncMicrosoft, Windows, Visual Studio, MSdN, the. NET logo, Visual Basic and Visual C# are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft CorporationMany of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarksWhere those designations appear in this book, and O Reilly Media, Inc, was aware of a trademark claim, thedesignations have been printed in caps or initial capsWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and the authors assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.No bees, space aliens, or comic book heroes were harmed in the making of this bookISBN:978-1-449-34350-7This book is dedicated to the loving memory of Sludge the Whale,who swam to Brooklyn on Apri17, 2007you were only in our canal for a day,but you'll be in our hearts forever.the authorsTHANKS FOR BUYING OUR BOOK! WEREALLY LOVE WRITING ABOUT THIS- BECAUsESTUFF, AND WE HOPE YOU GET AWE KNOW YOU'REKICK OUT OF READING IT-..GOING TO HAVEA GEEAT TIMEAndrewLEAZNING C#.This photo (and the Photo of the0Gowanus Canal) by Nisha SondhecnnAndrew Stellman. despite being raised aNew Yorker, has lived in Minneapolis, Genevaand Pittsburgh. twice. The first time was whenhe graduated from Carnegie Mellons School ofComputer science, and then again when he andJenny were starting their consulting business andwriting their first book for oreillyAndrew's first job after college was buildingsoftware at a record company, EMI-CapitolJennifer Greene studied philosophy in collegebut, like everyone else in the field, couldnt findRecords--which actually made sense, as he wentto La guardia high School of music art anda job doing it. Luckily, she's a great softwarethe Performing arts to study cello and jazz bassengineer, so she started out working at an onlineservice, and that's the first time she really got aguitar. He and Jenny first worked together ata company on Wall Street that built financialgood sense ofwhat good software developmentlooked likesoftware, where he was managing a team ofprogrammers. Over the years he's been a ViceShe moved to new york in 1998 to work onPresident at a major investment bank, architectedsoftware quality at a financial software company.arge-scale real-time back end systems, managedShes managed a teams of developers, testers andlarge international software teams and consultedPMs on software projects in media and financefor companies, schools, and organizationssince thenincluding microsoft, the National Bureau ofShe's traveled all over the world to work withEconomic research. and miT. He's had theprivilege of working with some pretty amazingdifferent software teams and build all kinds ofprogrammers during that time, and likes to thinkcool projectsthat he's learned a few things from themShe loves traveling, watching Bollywood movies,reading the occasional comic book, playing PS3When he's not writing books, Andrew keepshimself busy writing useless (but fun) software,games, and hanging out with her huge siberiancat. Saschaplaying both music and video games, practicingtaiji and aikido, and owning a pomeranianlenny and Andrew have been building software and writing about sof tware engineering together since they firstmet in 1996. Their first book, Applied Software Project Management, was published by O Reilly in 200Stellman and Greene books for O Reilly include Beautiful TEams(2009), and their first book in the Head Firstseries, Head First PMP(2007)They founded Stellman reene Consulting in 2003 to build a really neat software project for scien tists studyingherbicide exposure in Vietnam vets. In addition to building software and writing books, they ve consulted forComPanies and spoken at Conferences and meetings of software engineers, architects and project managersviiCheckoutthcirblogBuildingBetterSoftwarehttp://www.stellman-greene:.comFollow @Andrewstellman and @Jeennygreene on Witter

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