Professional C# 2008(C#高级编程第六版)

zhengbin2349 42 0 ZIP 2018-12-07 18:12:29

C#高级编程第6版 英文版 PDF格式 共1847页 Part I: The C# Language. Chapter 1: .NET Architecture. Chapter 2: C# Basics. Chapter 3: Objects and Types. Chapter 4: Inheritance. Chapter 5: Arrays. Chapter 6: Operators and Casts. Chapter 7: Delegates and Events. Chapter 8: Strings and Regular Expressions. Chapter 9: Generics. Chapter 10: Collections. Chapter 11: Language Integrated Query. Chapter 12: Memory Management and Pointers. Chapter 13: Reflection. Chapter 14: Errors and Exceptions. Part II: Visual Studio. Chap ter 15: Visual Studio 2008. Chapter 16: Deployment. Part III: Base Class Libraries. Chapter 17: Assemblies. Chapter 18: Tracing and Events. Chapter 19: Threading and Synchronization. Chapter 20: Security. Chapter 21: Localization. Chapter 22: Transactions. Chapter 23: Windows Services. Chapter 24: Interoperability. Part IV: Data. Chapter 25: Manipulating Files and the Registry. Chapter 26: Data Access. Chapter 27: LINQ to SQL. Chapter 28: Manipulating XML. Chapter 29: LINQ to XML. Chapter 30:.NET Programming with SQLServer. Part V: Presentation. Chapter 31: Windows Forms. Chapter 32: Data Binding. Chapter 33: Graphics with GDI+. Chapter 34: Windows Presentation Foundation. Chapter 35: Advanced WPF. Chapter 36: Add-Ins. Chapter 37: ASP.NET Pages. Chapter 38: ASP.NET Development. Chapter 39: ASP.NET AJAX. Chapter 40: Visual Studio Tools for Office. Part VI: Communication. Chapter 41: Accessing the Internet. Chapter 42: Windows Communication Foundation. Chapter 43: Windows Workflow Foundation. Chapter 44: Enterprise Services. Chapter 45: Message Queuing. Chapter 46: Directory Services. Chapter 47: Peer-to-Peer Networking. Chapter 48: Syndication. Part VII: Appendices. Appendix A: ADO.NET Entity Framework. Appendix B: C#, Visual Basic, and C++/CLI. Appendix C: Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 Professional C# 2008 starts by reviewing the overall architecture of .NET in Chapter 1 in order to give you the background you need to be able to write managed code. After that the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas.

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