OracleCertifiedProfessionalJavaSE7ProgrammerExams1Z0804and1Z0805.pdf 英文原版

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Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer Exams 1Z0 804 and 1Z0 805Contents at a glanceAbout the authors mm xviAbout the technical reviewer■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■■XIXAcknowledgments mmmammaamammamaamammammamamammaamaaummamaammamam XXintroductionXXIIChapter 1: The OCPJP 7 Exam: FAQ■■■■■■■■口■Chapter 2:Chapter 3: Java class design45Chapter 4: Advanced Class Design mRIRRIRRIRIB IIIE n 87Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Design Principles ammaamammmmmmammam mnn 113Chapter 6: Generics and collections.mat147Chapter 7: String Processing■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■205Chapter 8: Java 1/0 Fundamentals BAB amARaannaa 225Chapter9: Java file l0(N0.2)…,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251Chapter 10: Building Database Applications with JDBC.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■281Chapter 11: Exceptions and Assertions ammmammmmamaaammmmnammmmammma 317Chapter 12: Localization aaaaaaaaaanaansanammmmmmmammmmammmammamaaaaaaaaannann 361Chapter 13: Threads393Chapter 14: Concurrency■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■435Chapter 15: 0CPJP 7 Quick Refresher .mmm RRBRREIIILEREERIIRIRIRIRaa 485http://freepdf-books.comCONTENTS AT A GLANCIAppendix A: Exam Topics ma RRRRRBRRRBRBELRRRRRRIIR507Appendix B: Mock Test■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■■■■513Appendix C: Mock Test-2 mmmm 569Index619http://freepdf-books.comIntroductionThis book is a comprehensive guide to preparing for the OCPJP 7 exam. This book covers the exam objectives of bothOCPJP examS, Java Se 7 Programmer II(1Zo-804 exam) and Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer(1Z0-805 exam). Themain objective of this book is to prepare the reader to take the oCpJP 7 exam and pass it with easeThe book covers all of the exam topics for Java Se 7 Programmer II(1Z0-804 exam). The chapters and sections inthis book map one-to-one to the exam objectives and subtopics. This one-to-one mapping between chapters and theexam objectives ensures that we cover only the topics to the required breadth and depth -no more no less if you retaking Upgrade to Java Se 7 Programmer (1Z0-805 exam), see Appendix a for the key to how the exam topics map tothe chapters of this book.A reader will find lots and lots of sample questions in the form of a pretest, numerous sample questions withineach chapter, and two full-length mock tests. These sample questions not only help the reader prepare for taking theexam but also set realistic expectations for what the reader will find on the examThere are many features in this book designed to present the content in a smooth, example-driven flow toimprove your reading and study experience. For instance, the chapters provide numerous programming andreal-world examples to help you internalize each of the presented concepts. Additionally, in each chapter we usevisual cues(such as caution signs and exam tips )to direct your attention to important and interesting aspects of theconcepts that are of particular relevance to the OCPJP 7 examPrerequisitesSince the ocaJP 7(a k a Java SE 7 Programmer I/1Z0-803) exam is a prerequisite for the more comprehensiveOCPJP 7 exam(1Z0-804), we assume that the reader is already familiar with the fundamentals of the language. Wefocus only on the OCPJP 7 exam objectives, on the presumption that the reader has a working knowledge in JavaTarget audienceThis book is for you if any of the following is trueIf you are a student or a Java programmer aspiring to crack the OCPJP 7 examIf you have already passed any of the older versions of the OCPJP 7 exam(such as the SCJP 5exam). This book will prepare you for the Upgrade to OCPJP 7 exam (1Z0-805)If you're a trainer for OCPJP 7 exam. You can use this book as training material for OCPJP7exam preparation.If you just want to refresh your knowledge of Java programming or gain a better understandingof various java APisPlease note, however, that this book is neither a tutorial for learning Java nor a comprehensive reference bookfor Java.XXIllhttp://freepdf-books.comINTRODUCTIONRoadmap for Reading This BookTo get the most out of reading this book, we recommend you follow these stepsStep 0: Make sure you have JDK 7 installed on your machine and you re able to compile and run Java programsStep 1: First read the FAQ in Chapter l and get familiar with the exam (you may want to skip irrelevant questionsor questions for which you already know the answersStep 2: Check the exam topics(Appendix a) and mark the topics you re not familiar with or comfortable withRead the chapters or sections corresponding to the topics you' ve marked for preparation.Step 3: Take the pretest in Chapter 2. If you've answered all the questions correctly for an exam chapter, you maywant to skip reading the corresponding chapter. For those exam topics in which you did not scored well, mark thosechapters and read them first. Try out as many sample programs as possible while you read the chaptersStep 4: Once you feel you are ready to take the exam, take the first mock test(Appendix B). If you don' t pass it,go back to the chapters in which you are weak, read them, and try out more code relating to those topics. Once you'reconfident, attempt the second mock test(Appendix C). If you've prepared well, you should be able to pass itStep 5: Register for the exam and take the exam based on your performance in the mock tests. The day beforetaking the exam, read Chapter 15, OCPJP 7 Quick Refresher.On Coding Examples in This BookAll the programs in this book are self-contained programs(with necessary import statements). You can download've tested the coding examples in this book in two compilers, Oracle's Java compiler jDk 7 javac) and theEclipse Compiler for Java (ecj). For the error messages, we've provided javac's error messages. It is important that youuse a Java compiler and a Vm that supports Java 7.Java is a platform-independent language, but there are certain features that are better explained with a specificplatform. Since Windows is the most widely used OS today, some of the programming examples(specifically some ofthe programs in the NIo. 2 chapter are written with the windows os in mind. you may require minor modifications tothe programs to get them working under other OSs (linux, MAC OS, etc)Contact UsIncaseofanyqueries,suggestionsorcorrections,pleasefeelfreetocontactusatsgganesh@gmail.comortusharsharmana@ieee. orgXXIVhttp://freepdf-books.comCHAPTER 1The OCPJP 7 Exam: FAQThe singular acronym of the oCpJP 7 exam is shorthand for two separate but congruent examsThe Java SE 7 Programmer II exam(exam number 1Z0-804)The Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer exam(exam number 1Z0-805These two exams are alternative paths to the same certification. The 1z0-804 and 1Z0-805 exams both qualify thecandidates who pass them for the same credential: Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer(OCPJP 7)This book prepares you to take the ocpJp 7 examsThe 1Zo-804 exam syllabus(given in full in Appendix A)consists of twelve topics, mapping to the titles andsubjects of Chapters 3-14 of this book. This book serves equally as preparation for the 1z0-805 exam, whose six topicsmap to Chapters 5-6 and 9-14 of this book(see appendix a)In this preliminary chapter, we address the frequently asked questions (FAQs that are apt to come to mindwhen you are preparing for the OCPJP 7 exam. Again, the term"OCPJP 7 exam" should be taken in the sense ofencompassing both variants of the exam, the 1Z0-804 and 1Z0-805 The course of study, model questions, andpractice tests presented in this book will prepare you equally well to take either one. Which variant of the OCPJP 7exam you take will depend on your existing credentials, as explained below.The FAQs we present in this chapter answer concerns such as the placement of oCPJP 7 certification in the suiteof Oracle Java certifications, the difficulty level and prerequisites of the oCPJP 7 exam, the scope of the topics onthe OCPJP 7 exam syllabus, the depth of the preparation for it, and the details of registering for and taking the examBroadly this chapter consists of three sectionsOracle Java Certifications: Overview: FAQs 1-6 survey Oracle's various Java exams as theymap onto java certifications It focuses in particular on the ocajp 7 exam, because the oracleCertified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer(OCaJP 7)credential is a prerequisite for OCPJP 7certification via the 1zo-804 examThe ocpJP 7 Exam: FAQs 7-15 concern the objectives of the OCPJP 7 exam, the kinds ofquestions on it, and the details about the preparation for itTaking the OCpJP 7 Exam: FAQs 16, 17, and 18 cover the nuts and bolts of registering for exam,the various things you need to do on the day of the exam, and actually taking the examOracle java certifications: OverviewFAQ 1. What are the different levels of oracle Java certification exams?Table 1-1 shows four ascending expertise levels of Oracle exams(Associate, Professional, Expert, and Mastermatched with examples of Java certifications at those levels, together with the qualifying exams by name and numberhttp://freepdf-books.comCHAPTER 1 THE OCPJP 7 EXAM: FAQTable 1-1. Oracle certification Levels with Examples of Corresponding Java Exams(oPCJP 7 exam, in bold)Certification Level Java Certification(Example) Exam Name Exam NumberOracle Certified Associate Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Java SE 7 Programmer I 1Z0-803(OCA)ProgrammerOracle certifiedOracle Certified Professional, Java se Java SE 7 Programmer II 1Z0-804Professional(ocP)7 ProgrammerOracle Certified Professional, Java se Upgrade to Java Se 7lZ0-805pRogrammerProgrammerOracle certifiedOracle Certified Expert, NetBeansNetBeans Integrated1Z0-889Expert(oce)Integrated DevelopmentDevelopmentEnvironment 6.1 ProgrammerEnvironment 6.1Programmer CertifiedExpert ExaOracle CertifiedOracle Certified Master, Java Se6Java Standard edition 61Z0-856Master(OCM)DeveloperDeveloper CertifiedMasterer essay examPictorially, Java exams offered by Oracle and their path can be observed in Figure 1-1OracleCertifiedJavaAssociateAstesoclalJavaCertifiedProgrammerProgrammerOracleMobileWebJsPEnterpriseCertified ApplicationServicesServletJavaBeans PersistenceExpert Developer DeveloperDeveloper DeveloperDeveloperOracleErterpriseJavaCertifiedArchitectDeveloperMasterFigure 1-1. Java certification path offered by oracleFAQ 2. Can you compare the specifications of the 1Z0-803, 1Z0-804and 1zo-805 exams in relation to ocajp 7 and ocpJP 7 certification?Yes, see Table 1-2http://freepdf-books.comCHAPTER 1 THE OCPJP 7 EXAM: FAQTable 1-2. Comparison of the Oracle exams Leading to ocajp 7 and oCPJP 7 CertificationExam Number1Z08031Z0-8041Z0805Expertise Level BeginnerIntermediateIntermediateExam NameJava se 7 Programmer IJava Se 7 Programmer IIUpgrade to Java SE 7ProgrammerAssociatedOracle Certified AssociateOracle certifiedOracle CertifiedCertificationJava se 7 ProgrammerProfessional, Java SE 7Professional, Java Se 7(abbreviation)(OCAJP 7Programmer(OCPJP 7)Programmer (OCPJP 7PrerequisiteNoneOCAJP 7Any older OCPJP version orCertificationany version of ScJPExam duration2 hrs 30 minutes2 hrs 30 minutes3 hrs(180 mins)(150 mins(150 mins)Number of90 Questions90 Questions90 QuestionsuestionsPass Percentage75%65%60%CostUSD 300USD 300USD 300Exam TopicsJava BasicsJava Class DesignLanguage EnhancementsWorking With Java Data Types Advanced Class DesignDesign PatternsCreating and ManipulateObiect-Oriented DesignJava File I/O(NIO. 2StringsPrinciplesCreating and Using ArraysGenerics and collectionsDescribe the JDBC APIUsing Loop ConstructsString ProcessingConcurrencyWorking with MethodsExceptions and assertionsLocalizationand EncapsulationWorking with InheritanceJava I/O FundamentalsHandling exceptionsJava File I/O(NIO. 2)Building DatabaseApplications with JDBCThreadsConcurrencyLocalizationNote 1: In the Cost rou, the given Usd cost of the exams is approximate as actual cost varies with currency of the countryn which you take the exam: $300 in US, f202 in UK, Rs. 8, 500 in India, etc.Note 2: The Exam Topics row lists only the top-level topics. Note that the 1z0-804 and 1z0-805 exams share certainhigh-level topic names-such as Java File I/0 (NIO. 2), ""concurrency and "Localization"but that the subtopics arenot identical between the two exams. The subtopics of the 1z0-804 and 1z0-805 exams are listed in Appendix ahttp://freepdf-books.comCHAPTER 1 THE OCPJP 7 EXAM: FAQFAQ 3. OCAJP 7 certification is a prerequisite for OCPJP 7 certificationvia the 1z0-804 exam Does that mean that i have to take the ocajp 7exam before i can take the ocpjp 7 exam?No, requirements for certification may be met in any order. You may take the OCPJP 7 exam before you take theOCAJP 7 exam, but you will not be granted oCPJP 7 certification until you have passed both the 1z0-803 exam andthe 1z0-804 exam-unless you are eligible to take and pass the 1z0-805 exam, for which OCAJP 7 certification is not aprerequisite.FAQ 4 Is oCPJP 7 prerequisite for other Oracle certification exams?Yes, oCPJP 7 is prerequisite for many other exams, such asJava Enterprise Edition 5 Web Component Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-858)Oracle Certified Master, Java SE 6 Developer exam(1Z0-855 and 1Z0-856FAQ 5. Should i take the ocpJp 7 or OCPJP 6 exam?Although you can still take exams for older certifications such as OCPJP 6, OCPP 7 is the best professionalcredential to haveFAQ 6. How does the Oracle oCpJP 7 exam differ from the ocpJp 6and OCPJP 5 exams(and the previous Sun versions SCJP 6 and SCJP 5)?Short answer: The ocpjP 7 exam is tougher and covers more topicLong answer: Here is a short list of differences between the OCPJP 7 exam(1Z0-804)versus the oCPJP 6 and OCPJP 5exams(1Z0-851 and 1Z0-853, respectively) and the SCJP 5 and SCJP 6 exams (the former Sun Microsystems versionsof the OCpJP 6 and OCPJP 5 exams, leading to Sun Certified Java Programmer 6 and 5 certificationsLike the former SCJP 6/SCJP 5 exams, the OCpJP 6 and 5 exams cover language fundamentalsand some of the common APIs involving strings, arrays, and so on. At the Java SE 7 level, mostof these topics have been moved to the oCAJP 7 exam, which is the prerequisite for OCPJP 7certification through the 1zo-804 exam path. Note that some questions in ocaJp 7 have thesame difficulty level as ocpjp 7 questionsThe ocpjp 7 exam covers more topics than the ocpjp 6 and 5 exams and their Sunpredecessors, including JDBC, localization, NIO. 2, and concurrency APIsOCPJP 7 also covers new features of Java SE 7, including try-with-resources statements, newAPIs in JDBC, string-based switches, and binary literalsThe questions in the OCPJP 7 exam are tougher than those asked in the ocpjp 6 and 5 examsand their sun predecessorsThe oCpJP 7 exam has only multiple-choice questions, whereas the retired SCJP exams alsohad interactive questions(drag-and-drop, match-the-options, etc.The differences between the ocpjp 6 and ocpjp 7 exams are summarized in Table 1-3
