Core.Java.Volume.II.Advanced.Features.10th.Edition Java 核心技术

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Core.Java.Volume.II.Advanced.Features.10th.Edition(Java 核心技术)Core javaVolume ii-advanced featuresTenth editionCay S. Horstmann88PRENTICEHALBoston· Columbus· Indianapolis· New York san francisco· Amsterdam Cape townDubai· London· Madrid· Milan· Munich· Paris· Montreal toronto· Delhi· Mexico citySao paulo· Sydney· Hong Kong· Seoul· Singapore· Taipei· TokyoThe author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make noexpressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors oromissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection withor arising out of the use of the information or programs contained hereinFor information about buying this title in bulk quantities, or for special sales opportunities(which may include electronic versions; custom cover designs; and content particular to yourbusiness, training goals, marketing focus, or br anding interests), please contact our corporatesales department at corpsales(@pearsoned com or(800)382-3419Forgovernmentsalesinquiriespleasecontactgovernmentsales@pearsoned.comForquestionsaboutsalesoutsidetheUnitedStatespleasecontactintlcs(@pearson.comVisit us on the Web: informit. com/phLibrary of Congress Catalog Number: 2016952666Copyright C 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved500 Oracle Par kway, Redwood Shores, CA94065Portions c 2017 Cay s horstmannAll rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected bycopyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibitedreproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regardingpermissions, request forms and the appropriate contacts within the Pearson Education globalRights& america Inc does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracyadequacy or completeness of any information contained in this work, and is not responsiblefor any errors or omissionsISBN-13:978-0-13-417729-8ISBN-10:0-13-417729-0Text printed in the united states of america116ContentsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1: The Java se 8 Stream Library1.1 From Iterating to Stream Operations1.2 Stream Creation1.3 The filter,map, and flatMap Methods1.4 Extracting Substreams and Concatenating Streams1. 5 Other stream transformations1.6 Simple reductions1.7 The Optional Type1.7.1 How to Work with Optional values1.7.2 How Not to Work with Optional values7.3 Creating Optional values1.7. 4 Composing Optional Value Functions with flatMap1.8 Collecting Results1.9 Collecting into Maps1.10 Grouping and Partitioning1.11 Downstream collectors1.12 Reduction Operations1.13 Primitive Type stro14 Parallel streamsChapter 2: Input and Output2.1 Input/Output Streams2.1.1 Reading and Writing Bytes2.1.2 The Complete Stream Zoo2.1.3 Combining Input/Output Stream Filters2. 2 Text Input and Output2.2.1 How to Write Text Output2 How to Read Text Input2.3 Saving obiects in Text Format. 4 Character encodings2.3 Reading and Writing Binary dat2.3. 1 The DataInput and dataoutput interfaces23.2 Random-Access files2.3.3 ZIP Archives2.4 Object Input/Output Streams and Serialization2.4.1 Saving and Loading Serializable Objects2.4.2 Understanding the object Serialization File Format2.4.3 Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism2. 4. 4 Serializing Singletons and Typesafe enumerations245Ⅴ ersioning2.4.6 Using Serialization for CloningWorkingwith files2.5.1 Paths2.5.2 Reading and Writing Files2.5.3 Creating Files and Directories254Copying.Moving, and Deleting Files2.5.5 Getting File Information2.5.6 Visiting Directory Entries2.5.7 Using Directory Streams2.5.8 ZIP File Systems2.6 Memory-Mapped Files2.6. 1 Memory-Mapped File Performance2.6.2 The Buffer data structure2.6.3 File Locking2.7 Regular expressionsChapter 3: XML3.1 Introducing XML3.1.1 The structure of an Xml document3.2 Parsing an XML Document3.3 Validating XML Documents3.3.1 Document Type Definitions3.3.2 XML Schema3.3.3 A Practical Example3.4 Locating Information with XPath3.5 Using Namespaces3.6 Streaming parsers3.6. 1 Using the SAX Parser3.6.2 Using the staX parser3.7 Generating XML Documents3.7.1 Documents without Namespaces3.7.2 Documents with Namespaces3.73 Writing Documents3.7. 4 An Example: Generating an svg file3.7.5 Writing an XML Document with StAX3. 8 XSL TransformationsChapter 4: Networking4.1 Connecting to a Server4.1.1 USing Telnet4.1.2 Connecting to a Server with Java4.1.3 Socket timeouts4.1. 4 Internet addresses4.2 Implementing Servers4.2.1 Server sockets4.2.2 Serving Multiple clients4.2.3 Half-Close4.3 Interruptible Sockets4.4 Getting Web data4.4.1 URLs and uris4.4.2 Using a URL.Connection to Retrieve Information4.4.3 Posting Form Data4.5 Sending e-mailChapter 5: Database Programming5.1 The Design of JDBC5.1.1 JDBC Driver Types5.1.2 Typical Uses of JDBC5.2 The Structured Query Language5.3 JDBC Configuration5.3. 1 Database urls5.3.2 Driver jar files5.3.3 Starting the database5.3. 4 Registering the Driver Class5.3.5 Connecting to the Database5.4 Working with jDBC Statements5.4.1 Executing SQL Statements5. 4.2 Managing Connections, Statements, and Result Sets5.4.3 Analyzing SQL Exceptions5.4.4 Populating a database5.5 Query Execution5.5. 1 Prepared Statements5.5.2 Reading and writing lobs5.5.3 SQL ESCapes4 Multiple res5.5.5 Retrieving autogenerated Keys5.6 Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets5.6.1 Scrollable result sets5.6.2 Updatable Result Sets5.7 Row Sets5.7.1 Constructing Row Sets5.7.2 Cached row sets5. 8 Metadata5.9 Transactions5.9.1 Programming Transactions with JDBC5.9.2 Save points5.9.3 Batch Updates0 Advanced soypes5.11 Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applicationshapter 6: The Date and Time API6.1 The Time line6.2 Local dates6.3 Date Adjusters6.4 Local time6.5 Zoned time6.6 Formatting and Parsing6.7 Interoperating with Legacy codeChapter 7: Internationalization7,1Locales7.2 Number formats73 Currencies7.4 Date and time7.5 Collation and normalization7.6 Message Formatting7.6.1 Formatting numbers and dates7.6.2 Choice formats7.7 Text Input and Output7.7. 1 Text Files7.7.2 Line Endings7.73 The console7.7. 4 Log Files1.7.5 The UTF-8 Byte Order mark7.7.6 Character encoding of Source files7.8 Resource bundles7.8. 1 Locating Resource Bundles7.8.2 Property files7.8.3 Bundle classes7.9 A Complete ExampleChapter 8: Scripting, Compiling, and Annotation Processing8.1 Scripting for the Java Platform8.1.1 Getting a Scripting engine8.1.2 Script Evaluation and Bindings8.1.3 Redirecting Input and Output8.1.4 Calling Scripting Functions and Methods8.1.5 Compiling a Script8.1.6 An Example: Scripting GUI Events8.2 The Compiler api8.2.1 Compiling the easy way8.2.2 USing Compilation Tasks8.2.3 An Example: Dynamic Java Code generation8.3 USing Annotations8.3.1 An introduction into annotations8.3. 2 An Example: Annotating Event Handlers8.4 Annotation Syntax8. 4. 1 Annotation Interfaces8.42 Annotations8.4.3 Annotating declarations8.4.4 Annotatingg Type Uses8.4.5 Annotating_ this8.5 Standard annotations8.5. 1 Annotations for Compilation8.5.2 Annotations for Managing Resources8.5.3 Meta-Annotations8.6 Source-Level Annotation Processing8.6.1 Annotation processors8.6.2 The Language Model aPi8.6.3 Using Annotations to Generate Source Code8.7 Bytecode engineering8.7.1 Modifying Class Files8.7.2 Modifying Bytecodes at Load TimeChapter 9: security9. 1 Class loaders9.1.1 The Class loading process9.1.2 The class loader hierarch9.1.3 USing Class Loaders as Namespaces9. 1.4 Writing Your Own Class Loader9. 1. 5 Bytecode verification9.2 Security Managers and Permissions9.2.1 Permission Checking9. 2.2 Java Platform Security9.2.3 Security policy Files9. 2.4 Custom permissions9.2.5 Implementation of a Permission Class9.3 User authentication9.3.1 The jaas framework9.3.2 JAAS Login Modules9.4 Digital Signatures9.4.1 Message Digests9.4.2 Message Signing

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