Applied Neural Networks and Soft Computing

广州-宁罗司 62 0 PDF 2019-04-06 01:04:43

Applied Neural Networks and Soft Computing examines the relation between neural networks and soft computing. Neural network is a system of hardware and software designed after the operations of neurons. Applied neural networks has a plethora of applications and the text tries to touch every aspect to give readers a wider perspective . Further, artificial neural networks (vaguely inspired by biological neural network) are also discussed to keep readers up to date regarding the latest innovations taking place. 应用神经网络和软计算检验神经网络和软计算之间的关系。 神经网络是神经元运行后设计的硬件和软件系统。 应用神经网络有很多应用,文本试图触及每个方面,为读者提供更广阔的视角。 此外,还讨论了人工神经网络(模糊地受到生物神经网络的启发),以使读者了解最新的创新。 . Further, artificial neural networks (vaguely inspired by biological neural network) are also discussed to keep readers up to date regarding the latest innovations taking place. 应用神经网络和软计算检验神经网络和软计算之间的关系。 神经网络是神经元运行后设计的硬件和软件系统。 应用神经网络有很多应用,文本试图触及每个方面,为读者提供更广阔的视角。 此外,还讨论了人工神经网络(模糊地受到生物神经网络的启发),以使读者了解最新的创新。
