Privacy s Blueprint The Battle to Control the Design of New Technologies Every day, Internet users interact with technologies designed to undermine their privacy. Social media apps, surveillance technologies, and the Intern
parallel programming co arrays Parallel Programming with Co-Arrays describes the basic techniques used to design parallel algorithms for high-performance, scientific computing. It i
security privacy digital forensics cloud In a unique and systematic way, this book discusses the security and privacy aspects of the cloud, and the relevant cloud forensics. Cloud computing i Things you’ve done online: ordered a pizza, checked the weather, booked a hotel, and reconnected with long-lost friends. Now it’s time to find out how
data science using python r Learn data science by doing data science! Data Science Using Python and R will get you plugged into the world’s two most widespread open-source platfo
Dependable Software Engineering Theories Tools and Applications Dependable Software Engineering - Theories, Tools, and Applications
Computer Music Instruments II Realtime and ObjectOriented Audio Thisbookisdividedintotwoparts.ThechaptersinPartIofferacomprehensiveintroductiontotheClanguageandtofundamentalprogrammingconcepts,followedbyanexplanati
State of the Art in Digital Media and Applications 本书介绍了从网络和电脑游戏到移动技术和社交媒体的数字媒体面向用户的方面,并展示了这些方面如何不断增长和发展。IT,电信和媒体的融合正在引发信息收集,存储,访问和分发的一场革命。RaeEarnshaw的书探讨了推动这一因素的主要因素以及社会和文化背景受媒体内容影响的方式。 这是Earnshaw教授的第