The C Programming Language 2nd Edition(K & R) 英文原版。
The C++ Programming Language,英文版几乎包含了c++的所有东西,值得下载
C++编程实践英文版 Practical C++ Programming This book is devoted to practical C++ programming. It teaches y
第一章 Qt发展小史 1 1-1 从Hello Qt开始 2 1-2 连接信号和响应函数 3 1-3 控件的几何排列-Laying Out Widgets 4 第二章 创建对话框(Creating D
C++ GUI Programming with QT4 Chinese version
C++GUI programming with QT4的中文版,包含前十章,版权属于于丁,很好的QT学习资料,由浅入深。对于初学者来说,很好很适合。
The major changes to this Fourth Edition include an earlier introduction to UML, a new section on in