全球销量逾百万册的系列图书新品;直观、循序渐进的学习教程,掌握关键知识的最佳起点,采用步骤式讲解,手把手教读者掌握移动应用开发的必备知识;每章内容针对初学者精心设计,1小时轻松阅读学习,24小时掌握关键知识;书中代码示例可供下载,帮助读者通过实践提高应用技能,巩固所学知识。 内容简介   《HTML5移动应用开发入门经典》总共分为24章,以示例的方式对如何使用HTML5及相关技术进行移动应用开发做了全面而细致的介绍。本书首先讲解了HTML5的起源以及它为什么适用于移动设备,然后讲解了HTML5的基本元素以及所做的改进、canvas(画布)、视音频、微格式、微数据、拖曳等新增特性,还讲解了W With HTML5, you can make your websites run smoothly on almost all browsers and incorporate video tools, dynamic drawings, geolocation, offline web apps, drag-and-drop, and more. HTML5: The Missing Manual gets you started wit h your first HTML5-powered site in the very first chapter and shows you how to use HTML5 with JavaScript, CSS, and other familiar tools. Find out how to make HTML5 work properly from the start and avoid common pitfalls. Bestselling author Matthew MacDonald shows you not only how HTML5 works but also how to best use its new features to create an effective web experience for your visitors. h your first HTML5-powered site in the very first chapter and shows you how to use HTML5 with JavaScript, CSS, and other familiar tools. Find out how to make HTML5 work properly from the start and avoid common pitfalls. Bestselling author Matthew MacDonald shows you not only how HTML5 works but also how to best use its new features to create an effective web experience for your visitors.