Unity 4.x Game AI Programming
两件文件,自行解压,(附src) 1/2 This book shows how to implement various AI techniques in Unity3D by implementing the algorithm from scratch using C#, applying Unity3D built-in features, or using available scripts and plugins from the Unity Asset Store. For example, we’ll be implementing our own A* algorithm to do pathfinding but will also explore the Unity3D navigation graphs feature. Then we’ll use the Behave plugin to construct behavior trees for intelligent AI character behaviors.
Unity4.x Game AI Programming
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Unity AI Game Programming Second Edition
About This Book, Compose richer games by learning the essential concepts in artificial intelligence
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Unity Unity4.x Game AI编程英文版pdf
☆ 资源说明:☆ [Packt Publishing] Unity 4.x Game AI 编程 (英文版) [Packt Publishing] Unity 4.x Game AI Programm
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Unity官方换装例子, 从AssetStore上下载的在4.x版本下会有编译错误,我修正了已经。放心使用吧,很不多的换装例子,可以实现脸部、衣服、鞋等部位的换装,有两个角色供选择哦。
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