内容非常非常不错,非扫描版很清晰,很值得一读。书的作者就是软件SWT Designer作者(Google 已经收购了该产品,改为开源的WindowBuilder了)。本书的目标:
• Provide a quick introduction to using Eclipse for new users
• Provide a reference for experienced Eclipse users wishing to expand their knowledge and improve the quality of their Eclipse-based products
• P
chnlifu2019-02-17 03:02:25
不错,可惜没有针对Eclipse 4.0版的
kenny573392019-02-17 03:02:25
很清晰,比较理想的eclipse plugins的工具书。英文版
baffle988282019-02-17 03:02:25
第六空间422492019-02-17 03:02:25
内容非常非常不错,非扫描版很清晰,很值得一读。书的作者就是软件SWT Designer作者(Google 已经收购了该产品,改为开源的WindowBuilder了)。本书的目标: • Provide a quick introduction to using Eclipse for new users • Provide a reference for experienced Eclipse users wishing to expand their knowledge and improve the quality of their Eclipse-based products • P