非常实用。。。 所用到的代码及工具 示例网站源码+框架+本书pdf+章节代码 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1miHjIYk 密码: af35 环境 python2.7 win7x64 示例网站搭建 wswp-places.zip 书中站点源码 web2py_src.zip 站点所使用的框架 1 解压web2py_src.zip 2 然后到web2py/applications目录下 3 将wswp-places.zip解压到applications目录下 4 返回上一层目录,到web2py目录下,双击web2py.py,或者 执行命令python web2py.py 如果设置了admin密码,使用命令python web2py.py --password=
,没有设置密码默认空 5 浏览器访问 书上的正经途径 网站源代码托管在 https://bitbucket.org/wswp/places (注册时,需要翻,用到Google账号。需要安装sourceTree) 代码使 用web2py框架搭架 This app relies on the web2py framework, which can be downloaded here and is documented here. http://web2py.com/init/default/download http://web2py.com/book 安装步骤 文字版,方便复制 In the shell the installation instructions are as follows: # first download web2py wget http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/web2py_src.zip unzip web2py_src.zip # now download the app cd web2py/applications hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/wswp/places # now start the web2py server with a password for the admin interface cd .. python web2py.py --password=
The places app can now be accessed in your web browser at