An Adaptive Steganographic Method Using Additive Noise
An Adaptive Steganographic Method Using Additive Noise
11 2021-04-07 -
Diego Sans
231 2020-06-02 -
ISO156222018Adaptive cruise control systems ACC.pdf
101 2020-05-20 -
ISO221792009_FSRA Adaptive Cruise Control systems.pdf
ISO 22179 -2018 自适应巡航性能需求和测试流程,适合智能驾驶和智能辅助驾驶开发使用,ISO 15622-2018 Intelligent transport systems — Adap
20 2020-08-09 -
Generation and motion control of optical multi vortex
The generation and propagation dynamics of multiple optical vortices hosted in a Gaussian beam are e
31 2021-02-25 -
Double wavelength polarization insensistive beam splitter used in optical storag
Device to read/write data from optical storage units have polarization insensitive character at two
12 2021-02-15 -
Optimal beam diameter for lateral optical forces on microspheres at a water air
Optical tweezers with a low numerical aperture microscope objective is used to manipulate the micros
12 2021-02-08 -
An integral resonant control scheme for a laser beam stabilization system
An integral resonant control scheme for a laser beam stabilization system
12 2021-02-23 -
Novel optical lithography using silver superlens
This work has demonstrated that with silver superlens, the resolution of conventional optical lithog
19 2021-02-21 -
Controllable optical delay line using a Brillouin optical fiber ring laser
A controllable optical delay line using a Brillouin optical fiber ring laser is demonstrated and a l
19 2021-03-05