Speech Information Hiding in G.729
An approach of speech inform ation hiding based on G.729 scheme,and ABS(Analysis—by—synthesis) algorithm of speech inform ation hiding and extracting, which form ing the theoretical basis for designing a secure speech com m unication system are proposed. A BS algorithm adopts speech synthesizer in speech coder,speech em bedding and coding are synchronous,i.e.a fusion of the inform ation data of secret and public speech. It can em — bed dynam ic data bits of secret speech into public speech, with perfect info rm ation stegan0grap hy and good speech quality. A BS algorithm is superior to available classical algorithm s in capacity and real-tim e.This approach is im — plemented to hide secret speech of 2.4kbps M ELP fM ixed excitation linear prediction)in public speech of 16kbps G .729. Experim ents show that the approach satisfies the requirem ents of inform ation hiding,m eets the secure corn — m unication speech quality constraints,and achieves high hiding capacity of 800bps with an excellent speech quality and com plicating speakers’recognition.