nginx 官方cookbook
nginx的官方文档,This is Part I of III of NGINX Cookbook. This book is about NGINX the web server, reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. Part I will focus mostly on the load-balancing aspect and the advanced features around load balancing, as well as some information around HTTP caching. This book will touch on NGINX Plus, the licensed version of NGINX that provides many advanced features, such as a real-time monitoring dashboard and JSON feed, the ability to add servers to a pool of application servers with an API call, and a ctive health checks with an expected response. The following chapters have been written for an audience that has some understanding of NGINX, modern web architectures such as n-tier or microservice designs, and common web protocols such as TCP, UDP, and HTTP. I wrote this book because I believe in NGINX as the strongest web server, proxy, and load balancer we have. I also believe in NGINX’s vision as a company. When I heard Owen Garrett, head of products at NGINX, Inc. explain that the core of the NGINX system would continue to be developed and open source, I knew NGINX, Inc. was good for all of us, leading the World Wide Web with one of the most powerful software technologies to serve a vast number of use cases.