During the last three decades, a period roughly matching French transportation engineering history, important realisations have been implemented in four areas, namely safety, average speed, traffic density, and costs. Public guided rail transportation must remain competitive in this 21 century to face increasing quality, safety and cost requirements. These requirements were mainly supported by the development of advanced technology, notably with the introduction of automated train control. Our unit (ESTAS-Evaluation of Automatic Transport Systems and their Safety) is well placed to analyse automated train control devices, as we are not only involved in research but, have also been entrusted by the French Ministry of Transport, with assessing about 20 recent such systems. The progressive introduction of automatic train computerised control offers a hierarchy of driving modes ranging from manual operation to full automation. Three general levels were analysed: cost requirements. These requirements were mainly supported by the development of advanced technology, notably with the introduction of automated train control. Our unit (ESTAS-Evaluation of Automatic Transport Systems and their Safety) is well placed to analyse automated train control devices, as we are not only involved in research but, have also been entrusted by the French Ministry of Transport, with assessing about 20 recent such systems. The progressive introduction of automatic train computerised control offers a hierarchy of driving modes ranging from manual operation to full automation. Three general levels were analysed: