ReferencesoftwareisbeingmadeavailabletoprovideareferenceimplementationoftheHEVCstandard being developed by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) regrouping experts from ITU-T SG 16 and ISO/IEC SC29 WG11. One of the main goals of the reference software is to provide a basis upon which to conduct experiments in order t o determine which coding tools provide desired coding performance. It is not meant to be a particularly efficient implementation of anything, and one maynoticeitsapparentunsuitabilityforaparticularuse. Itshouldnotbeconstruedtobeareflectionof howcomplexaproduction-qualityimplementationofafutureHEVCstandardwouldbe. o determine which coding tools provide desired coding performance. It is not meant to be a particularly efficient implementation of anything, and one maynoticeitsapparentunsuitabilityforaparticularuse. Itshouldnotbeconstruedtobeareflectionof howcomplexaproduction-qualityimplementationofafutureHEVCstandardwouldbe.