The linked cities most of the online version is JS, his recently made a project to use the little things. Now under the arrangement, made a Mfc version of the Demo. The development of vc6.0. Select the province, automatic loading of the province city...... The linked cities most of the online version is JS, his recently made a proje ct to use the little things. Now under the arrangement, made a Mfc version of the Demo. The development of vc6.0. Select the province, automatic loading of the province city...... 网上的省市联动大部分都是 js版本的,自己最近做了个工程用到这个小东西。现在整理下,做了个Mfc版本的Demo。vc6.0 开发的。选择省,自动加载该省的市……网上的省市联动大部分都是 js版本的,自己最近做了个工程用到这个小东西。现在整理下,做了个Mfc版本的Demo。vc6.0 开发的。选择省,自动加载该省的市… ct to use the little things. Now under the arrangement, made a Mfc version of the Demo. The development of vc6.0. Select the province, automatic loading of the province city...... 网上的省市联动大部分都是 js版本的,自己最近做了个工程用到这个小东西。现在整理下,做了个Mfc版本的Demo。vc6.0 开发的。选择省,自动加载该省的市……网上的省市联动大部分都是 js版本的,自己最近做了个工程用到这个小东西。现在整理下,做了个Mfc版本的Demo。vc6.0 开发的。选择省,自动加载该省的市…