Title: jQuery Pocket Primer Author: Oswald Campesato Length: 200 pages Edition: Poc Pap/Dv Language: English Publisher: Mercury Learning & Information Publication Date: 2014-10-30 ISBN-10: 1938549147 ISBN-13: 9781938549144 As part of the new Pocket Primer series, this book provides an overview of the major aspects, the source c ode, and tutorial videos to use jQuery. DVD with code, videos, and graphics included. Features Integrated coverage of CSS3, jQuery and other important JS toolkits Covers jQuery Mobile and HTML5 hybrid mobile apps Covers BackboneJS and Twitter Bootstrap Includes companion DVD with source code, tutorial videos, and 4-color graphics Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to CSS3. Chapter 2: Fundamentals of jQuery. Chapter 3: Animation Effects with jQuery and CSS3. Chapter 4: jQuery UI Controls. Chapter 5: Introduction to jQueryMobile. Chapter 6: jQueryMobile Events and Animation Effects. Chapter 7: HTML5 Canvas and jQueryMobile. Chapter 8: HTML5 Technologies with jQuery. Chapter 9: jQuery Mobile and Hybrid HTML5 Web Apps. Chapter 10: jQuery, BackboneJS, and Twitter Bootstrap. ode, and tutorial videos to use jQuery. DVD with code, videos, and graphics included. Features Integrated coverage of CSS3, jQuery and other important JS toolkits Covers jQuery Mobile and HTML5 hybrid mobile apps Covers BackboneJS and Twitter Bootstrap Includes companion DVD with source code, tutorial videos, and 4-color graphics Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to CSS3. Chapter 2: Fundamentals of jQuery. Chapter 3: Animation Effects with jQuery and CSS3. Chapter 4: jQuery UI Controls. Chapter 5: Introduction to jQueryMobile. Chapter 6: jQueryMobile Events and Animation Effects. Chapter 7: HTML5 Canvas and jQueryMobile. Chapter 8: HTML5 Technologies with jQuery. Chapter 9: jQuery Mobile and Hybrid HTML5 Web Apps. Chapter 10: jQuery, BackboneJS, and Twitter Bootstrap.