The concept of wavelet analysis has been in place in one form or the other since the beginning of this century. The Littlewood - Paley technique and Calder ó n - Zygmund theory in harmonic analysis and digital filter bank theoryin signal processing can be considered forerunners to wavelet analysis. However, in its present form, wave let theory drew attention in the 1980s with the work of several researchers from various disciplines — Str ? mberg, Morlet, Grossmann, Meyer, Battle, Lemari é , Coifman, Daubechies, Mallat, and Chui, to name a few. Many other researchers have also made signifi cant contributions. let theory drew attention in the 1980s with the work of several researchers from various disciplines — Str ? mberg, Morlet, Grossmann, Meyer, Battle, Lemari é , Coifman, Daubechies, Mallat, and Chui, to name a few. Many other researchers have also made signifi cant contributions.