汇编语言是一种直接面向硬件的编程语言。相比于开发高级语言的应用程序来说,目前用于开发汇编语言应用程序的集成开发环境并不多,尤其是针对学生学习汇编语言使用的实验工具比较缺乏。 一个良好的汇编语言编辑器的界面具体包含代码输入,复制粘贴,关键词查找和语法加亮等功能,源程序可以保存为文本文件形式。 本文设计了实模式下汇编语言集成开发工具软件,该工具针对汇编语言初学者而设计,可以在一个软件中实现汇编语言的源程序编辑,编译,链接和运行,同时拥有良好的用户界面。 关键字:汇编语言;集成开发工具;用户界面;实模式 Abstract The assembler language is a kind of directly fa cing the hardware programming language. Compared to develop the advanced language application, it is now used to develop assembly language application integrated development environment is not much, especially for students to learn assembly language use relative lack of the experimental tools. A friendly assembly language editor’s interface contains codes inputted, coping and pasting, searching keywords, syntax highlighted, and so on. And the source program can be saved as a text file form. This paper introduces the design of real mode assembler language integrated development tool software, this tool assembly language designed for beginners, can be in a software implementation in assembly language source program editor, compiled, links and operation, also have good user interface. Keywords: Assembly language;Integration development tools;user interface;Real mode; cing the hardware programming language. Compared to develop the advanced language application, it is now used to develop assembly language application integrated development environment is not much, especially for students to learn assembly language use relative lack of the experimental tools. A friendly assembly language editor’s interface contains codes inputted, coping and pasting, searching keywords, syntax highlighted, and so on. And the source program can be saved as a text file form. This paper introduces the design of real mode assembler language integrated development tool software, this tool assembly language designed for beginners, can be in a software implementation in assembly language source program editor, compiled, links and operation, also have good user interface. Keywords: Assembly language;Integration development tools;user interface;Real mode;