German Credit Data
German Credit Data 欺诈测试数据,从KAGGLE上下载的,用于反欺诈模型的训练数据
credit a.csv日月光华tensorflow数据集
credit-a.csv 日月光华 tensorflow 数据集 居然有人要50个积分 我这要5积分 无偿奉献 nice
172 2020-12-05 -
Glasserman2007Large deviations in multifactor portfolio credit risk
29 2019-09-18 -
Credit Token Based Dynamic Resource Renting and Offering Mechanism for Cognitive
15 2019-07-07 -
Credit Card Prediction ML2专案源码
信用卡预测 ML 2专案 该项目的贡献者是: 马赫什瓦里 舒米莎 卡尔提克 巴拉特·库玛(C Bharath Kumar)和 苏普里亚·拉尼(Supriya Rani)
8 2021-04-23 -
credit card checker Codecademy后端职业道路项目源码
这是我为Codecademy的“信用卡检查程序”项目提供的解决方案代码 :victory_hand:
6 2021-05-05 -
Credit Distribution and Influence Maximization in Online Social Networks Using N
Influence maximization is a problem of identifying a small set of highly influential individuals suc
33 2021-04-18 -
German_LocalePack_de_DE Magento社区版的Deutsche Sprachpaket源码
Hinweis zu Magento 1.9.0.x 在Magento 1.9.0.x中,Liefert der Hersteller继承了EineÜbersetzungmit。 DieseÜbers
8 2021-03-29 -
Inosphere Data data names
This radar data was collected by a system in Goose Bay, Labrador. This system consists of a phased a
21 2020-10-31 -
data mining data processing
59 2019-08-12 -
data analysis and data mining
56 2019-06-05