This book is meant primarily for two types of people. The first is web developers or front-end engineers who know some JavaScript and wish to learn more. Specifically, those who want to improve their understanding of the object-oriented capabilities of JavaScript and learn how they can make their code more modular, maintainable, and efficient. This book will teach these readers about the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript. It will also teach them about specific design patterns, showing when they can be used and how to implement xxi them. This type of reader will already be familiar with the basic JavaScript syntax and will focus more on the sections that deal with converting existing code to implement specific patterns, and explanations of when each pattern should or shouldn’t be used. efficient. This book will teach these readers about the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript. It will also teach them about specific design patterns, showing when they can be used and how to implement xxi them. This type of reader will already be familiar with the basic JavaScript syntax and will focus more on the sections that deal with converting existing code to implement specific patterns, and explanations of when each pattern should or shouldn’t be used.