-链接- /MD 与 MSVCRT.LIB 链接 link with MSVCRT.LIB /MDd 与 MSVCRTD.LIB 调试库链接 link with MSVCRTD.LIB debug lib /ML 与 LIBC.LIB 链接 link with LIBC.LIB /MLd 与 LIBCD.LIB 调试库链接 link with LIBCD.LIB debug lib /MT 与 LIBCMT.LIB 链接 link with LIBCMT.LIB /MTd 与 LIBCMTD.LIB 调试库链接 link with LIBCMTD.LIB debug lib /LD 创建 .DLL Create .DLL /F 设置堆栈大小 s et stack size /LDd 创建 .DLL 调试库 Create .DLL debug libary /link [链接器选项和库] [linker options and libraries] et stack size /LDd 创建 .DLL 调试库 Create .DLL debug libary /link [链接器选项和库] [linker options and libraries]