5G architecture
The development of the fifth generation (5G) mobile and wireless networks has progressed at a rapid pace. The initial non-standalone release of 5G is already set to be completed till the end of 2017 by third generation partnership project (3GPP). Since mid of 2015, the European Union (EU) funded 5G Public Private Partnership (5GPPP) Phase 1 projects1 have played an important role in establishing a pre-standardization consensus on areas ranging from physical layer to overall architecture, network management and software networks. Various technologies and innovations from these projects have substantially contributed to the progress in standards developing organizations (SDOs). With the aim of consolidating the outcome of 5GPPP projects into an overall architecture vision and responding to the diverse requirements of 5G use cases and services, the 5G Architecture Working Group has been active since the start of 5GPPP initiative Phase 1 projects1 have played an important role in establishing a pre-standardization consensus on areas ranging from physical layer to overall architecture, network management and software networks. Various technologies and innovations from these projects have substantially contributed to the progress in standards developing organizations (SDOs). With the aim of consolidating the outcome of 5GPPP projects into an overall architecture vision and responding to the diverse requirements of 5G use cases and services, the 5G Architecture Working Group has been active since the start of 5GPPP initiative