SAP gui 750裝完後 在SysWow64/System32沒看到librfc32.dll 上SAP抓下來的, 如版本不是醉心請在底下反饋 Note: SAPgui 750 discontinued use of LibRFC. librfc32.dll - For Windows 64 Bit O.S, use the below link to download the 64Bit version of LibRFC. librfc32.dll - For Windows 32 Bit O.S, use the below link to download the 32bit version of LibRFC. Place the files in - "C:\Windows\SysWow64", for 32 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 64Bit Machine. - "C"\Windows\System32", for 64 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 64Bit Machine. - "C"\Windows\System32", for 32 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 32Bit Machine. in - "C:\Windows\SysWow64", for 32 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 64Bit Machine. - "C"\Windows\System32", for 64 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 64Bit Machine. - "C"\Windows\System32", for 32 Bit version of Liquid UI software on a 32Bit Machine.