TCP/IP Sockets in java.pdf 英文高清原版
1 Introduction 1 1.1 Networks, Packets, and Protocols 1 1.2 About Addresses 4 1.3 About Names 6 1.4 Clients and Servers 6 1.5 What Is a Socket? 7 1.6 Exercises 8 2 Basic Sockets 9 2.1 Socket Addresses 9 2.2 TCP Sockets 15 2.2.1 TCP Client 16 2.2.2 TCP Server 21 2.2.3 Input and Output Streams 25 2.3 UDP Sockets 26 2.3.1 DatagramPacke t 27 2.3.2 UDP Client 29 2.3.3 UDP Server 34 2.3.4 Sending and Receiving with UDP Sockets 36 2.4 Exercises 38 3 Sending and Receiving Data 39 3.1 Encoding Information 40 3.1.1 Primitive Integers 40 vii viii Contents 3.1.2 Strings and Text 45 3.1.3 Bit-Diddling: Encoding Booleans 47 3.2 Composing I/O Streams 48 3.3 Framing and Parsing 49 3.4 Java-Specific Encodings 55 3.5 Constructing and Parsing Protocol Messages 55 3.5.1 Text-Based Representation 58 3.5.2 Binary Representation 61 3.5.3 Sending and Receiving 63 3.6 Wrapping Up 71 3.7 Exercises 71 4 Beyond the Basics 73 4.1 Multitasking 73 4.1.1 Java Threads 74 4.1.2 Server Protocol 76 4.1.3 Thread-per-Client 80 4.1.4 Thread Pool 82 4.1.5 System-Managed Dispatching: The Executor Interface 84 4.2 Blocking and Timeouts 86 4.2.1 accept(), read(), and receive() 87 4.2.2 Connecting and Writing 87 4.2.3 Limiting Per-Client Time 87 4.3 Multiple Recipients 89 4.3.1 Broadcast 90 4.3.2 Multicast 90 4.4 Controlling Default Behaviors 95 4.4.1 Keep-Alive 96 4.4.2 Send and Receive Buffer Size 96 4.4.3 Timeout 97 4.4.4 Address Reuse 97 4.4.5 Eliminating Buffering Delay 98 4.4.6 Urgent Data 98 4.4.7 Lingering after Close 99 4.4.8 Broadcast Permission 99 4.4.9 Traffic Class 100 4.4.10 Performance-Based Protocol Selection 100 4.5 Closing Connections 101 4.6 Applets 107 4.7 Wrapping Up 107 4.8 Exercises 108 5 NIO 109 5.1 Why Do We Need This? 109 5.2 Using Channels with Buffers 112 Contents ix 5.3 Selectors 115 5.4 Buffers in Detail 121 5.4.1 Buffer Indices 121 5.4.2 Buffer Creation 122 5.4.3 Storing and Retrieving Data 124 5.4.4 Preparing Buffers:clear(), flip(), and rewind() 126 5.4.5 Compacting Data in a Buffer 128 5.4.6 Buffer Perspectives:duplicate(), slice(), etc. 129 5.4.7 Character Coding 131 5.5 Stream (TCP) Channels in Detail 132 5.6 Selectors in Detail 135 5.6.1 Registering Interest in Channels 135 5.6.2 Selecting and Identifying Ready Channels 138 5.6.3 Channel Attachments 140 5.6.4 Selectors in a Nutshell 140 5.7 Datagram (UDP) Channels 141 5.8 Exercises 145 6 Under the Hood 147 6.1 Buffering and TCP 150 6.2 Deadlock Danger 152 6.3 Performance Implications 155 6.4 TCP Socket Life Cycle 155 6.4.1 Connecting 156 6.4.2 Closing a TCP Connection 160 6.5 Demultiplexing Demystified 163 6.6 Exercises 165 Bibliography 167 Index 169 t 27 2.3.2 UDP Client 29 2.3.3 UDP Server 34 2.3.4 Sending and Receiving with UDP Sockets 36 2.4 Exercises 38 3 Sending and Receiving Data 39 3.1 Encoding Information 40 3.1.1 Primitive Integers 40 vii viii Contents 3.1.2 Strings and Text 45 3.1.3 Bit-Diddling: Encoding Booleans 47 3.2 Composing I/O Streams 48 3.3 Framing and Parsing 49 3.4 Java-Specific Encodings 55 3.5 Constructing and Parsing Protocol Messages 55 3.5.1 Text-Based Representation 58 3.5.2 Binary Representation 61 3.5.3 Sending and Receiving 63 3.6 Wrapping Up 71 3.7 Exercises 71 4 Beyond the Basics 73 4.1 Multitasking 73 4.1.1 Java Threads 74 4.1.2 Server Protocol 76 4.1.3 Thread-per-Client 80 4.1.4 Thread Pool 82 4.1.5 System-Managed Dispatching: The Executor Interface 84 4.2 Blocking and Timeouts 86 4.2.1 accept(), read(), and receive() 87 4.2.2 Connecting and Writing 87 4.2.3 Limiting Per-Client Time 87 4.3 Multiple Recipients 89 4.3.1 Broadcast 90 4.3.2 Multicast 90 4.4 Controlling Default Behaviors 95 4.4.1 Keep-Alive 96 4.4.2 Send and Receive Buffer Size 96 4.4.3 Timeout 97 4.4.4 Address Reuse 97 4.4.5 Eliminating Buffering Delay 98 4.4.6 Urgent Data 98 4.4.7 Lingering after Close 99 4.4.8 Broadcast Permission 99 4.4.9 Traffic Class 100 4.4.10 Performance-Based Protocol Selection 100 4.5 Closing Connections 101 4.6 Applets 107 4.7 Wrapping Up 107 4.8 Exercises 108 5 NIO 109 5.1 Why Do We Need This? 109 5.2 Using Channels with Buffers 112 Contents ix 5.3 Selectors 115 5.4 Buffers in Detail 121 5.4.1 Buffer Indices 121 5.4.2 Buffer Creation 122 5.4.3 Storing and Retrieving Data 124 5.4.4 Preparing Buffers:clear(), flip(), and rewind() 126 5.4.5 Compacting Data in a Buffer 128 5.4.6 Buffer Perspectives:duplicate(), slice(), etc. 129 5.4.7 Character Coding 131 5.5 Stream (TCP) Channels in Detail 132 5.6 Selectors in Detail 135 5.6.1 Registering Interest in Channels 135 5.6.2 Selecting and Identifying Ready Channels 138 5.6.3 Channel Attachments 140 5.6.4 Selectors in a Nutshell 140 5.7 Datagram (UDP) Channels 141 5.8 Exercises 145 6 Under the Hood 147 6.1 Buffering and TCP 150 6.2 Deadlock Danger 152 6.3 Performance Implications 155 6.4 TCP Socket Life Cycle 155 6.4.1 Connecting 156 6.4.2 Closing a TCP Connection 160 6.5 Demultiplexing Demystified 163 6.6 Exercises 165 Bibliography 167 Index 169