重复文Restrictions ========================== You are not allowed to: 1. Modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover the source code, or any parts of it from the binaries. 2. Create, develop, distribute, use, install or store in your computer a program, source code, mechanism, method, protocol or algorithm to bypass or to brake license validation. 3. Remove any product identification, copyright, proprietary notices or labels from Vistanita Duplicate Finder. 4. Distribute, re- distribute, rent, lease or sell the licensed version of Vistanita Duplicate Finder or any portions of it or the license itself or any portions of the license without written permission from the Author. 5. Distribute Vistanita Duplicate Finder in any other form than in the official distribution packages without a written permission from the Author. 6. Use the licensed version of Vistanita Duplicate Finder if you know that the copy you are using is illegal or the license itself is illegal or fake. 件删除工具