The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML Aug 2006
Berkeley DB XML is exciting to me for multiple reasons. Text data is appealing (as you’ll realize as you read The Definitive Guide to Berkeley DB XML), and I crave technologies that make it easy to work with. XML is attractive for its flexibility, XPath for its intuitive elegance, XSLT for its declarative nature, and so on. I know f ull well that XML didn’t break new technical ground or invent something we didn’t already have. I don’t care about that. What XML did was to convince an industry to use it—and to use it everywhere. Call it hype; call it The Man. The bottom line is that I now have an astonishing array of tools and technologies, all compatible, to work with data as I like. 有源码另外提供。 ull well that XML didn’t break new technical ground or invent something we didn’t already have. I don’t care about that. What XML did was to convince an industry to use it—and to use it everywhere. Call it hype; call it The Man. The bottom line is that I now have an astonishing array of tools and technologies, all compatible, to work with data as I like. 有源码另外提供。