Wafer scale synthesis of polycrystalline monolayer graphene film with large doma
18 2020-07-17 -
Large Scale Machine Learning with SparkPackt Publishing2016.pdf
19 2020-05-19 -
Large scale Synthesis and Optical Properties of Hexagonal GaN Micropyramid Nanow
19 2020-07-18 -
KEGG for integration and interpretation of large_scale molecular data sets
52 2019-07-08 -
Large_Scale Matrix Factorization with Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent
24 2019-06-01 -
LSD SLAM Large Scale Direct Monocular SLAM.pdf
7 2021-04-26 -
Community Detection Algorithm of the Large Scale Complex Networks Based on Rando
Community Detection Algorithm of the Large-Scale Complex Networks Based on Random Walk
13 2021-04-23 -
Large Scale Learnable Graph Convolutional Networks LGCN ppt pdf
Large-Scale Learnable Graph Convolutional Networks(LGCN)论文的ppt pdf 资源分享
22 2020-07-21 -
A tensorized logic programming language for large scale data.pdf
We introduce a new logic programming language T-PRISM based on tensor embeddings. Our embedding sche
13 2021-04-18 -
Watch and Buy A Large Scale Multimodal Dataset for Fashion Identification in L
淘宝直播商品识别大赛数据集开源发布 https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/231772/introduction demo_dataset.c
5 2021-04-18