2003年ACM-ICPC南太平洋赛区试题解析-1 ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛由国际计算机学界著名的ACM学会(Association for Computer Machinery)主办,是世界上规模最大、水平最高的国际大学生程序竞赛。本文作为CSTC团队之ACM培训的启动工程训练内容,请从此题入手,开始你们痛并快乐着的ACM之旅。 此题虽为ACM比赛用题,却非常简单,没有什么特别之处,不牵扯数据结构,实为初学者建立自信心的灵丹妙药。 英文原文 P1 - ACM SPPC 1 of 2 Saturday, 20/09/2003 PROBLEM 1 - WACMIAN NUMBERS In the supposedly uninhabited Wacmahara Desert, a tribe of unusual people has been discovered. The Wacmians have only 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand, and have invented their own numbering system. The digits they use and the symbols they use for digits are quite unusual, but anthropologists have been able to represent them as follows: Wacmahara Desert, a tribe of unusual people has been discovered. The Wacmians have only 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand, and have invented their own numbering system. The digits they use and the symbols they use for digits are quite unusual, but anthropologists have been able to represent them as follows: