Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (3rd Edition) ;Android编程 权威指南 第三版 英文版,排版有点惨,国外网站上找来的。All rights reserved. Printed in the UnitedStates of America. This publication isprotected by copyright, and permissionmust be obtained from the publisherprior to any prohibited reproduction,storage in a retrieval system, ortransmission in any form or by anymeans, electronic. mechanicalphotocopying, recording, or likewiseFor information regarding permissions,contactBig Nerd ranch, LLC200 Arizona ave neAtlanta GA 30307(770)817-6373 10-gallon hat with propeller logo isa trademark of Big nerd ranch. IncExclusive worldwide distribution of theEnglish edition of this book bPearson Technology Group800 East 96th StreetIndianapolis, IN 46240 USAhttp://www.informit.comThe authors and publisher have takencare in writing and printing this book butmake no expressed or implied warrantyof any kind and assume no responsibilityfor errors or omissions. No liability isassumed for incidental or consequentialdamages in connection with or arisingout of the use of the information orprograms contained hereinMany of the designations used bmanufacturers and sellers to distinguishtheir products are claimed astrademarks. where those designationsappear in this book, and the publisherwas aware of a trademark claim, thedesignations have been printed withinitial capital letters or in all capitalsISBN-100134706072ISBN-13978-0134706078Third edition, first printing, February2017Release e3.1. 1DedicationTo the record player on my deskThanks for keeping me companythrough all this. I promise I'll getyou a new needle soonB PTo my dad, David, for teaching methe value of hard work. To my mom,Lisa, for pushing me to always dothe right thingTo my dad, Dave vadas, forinspiring and encouraging me topursue a career in computing. Andto my mom, Joan vadas, for cheeringme on through all the ups and downs(and for reminding me that watchingan episode of The Golden girlsalways makes things betterKMAcknowledgerWith this being our third edition, we findourselves used to saying this. It alwaysneeds to be said though: Books are notcreated by authors alone They areshepherded into existence by acommunity of collaborators, risk-takersand other supporters, without whom theburden of comprehending and writing allthis material would be cripplinge Brian hardy w ho along withBill, had the gusto to bring thevery first edition of this bookinto the world From nothingBrian and bill made somethinggreato Our co-instructors andmembers ofour androiddevelopment team: AndrewLunsford. Bolot KerimbaevBrian Gardner DavidGreenhalgh, Josh Skeen, MattCompton, Paul Turner andRashad Cureton (Soon.Rashad. Soon. )They taughteverything in this book beforet was polished enough to bepresentable and gave us manyinvaluable suggestions andcorrections. Most people livetheir entire lives without everworking with such a talentedand entertaining crew. Theymake work at Big Nerd ranchan everyday joySpecial thanks to Andrew, whowent through the entire bookand updated all the androidStudio screenshots. Weappreciate his thoroughnessattention to detail. and acerbicwitZack Simon, our fantasticallytalented and soft-spoken BigNerd ranch designerUnbeknownst to us Zack wentbehind our backs and updatedhe nifty cheat sheet you canfind attached to this book. If