monte carlo算法的matlab实现,该算法也就是常说的粒子滤波器,欢迎大家学习交流
An accessible treatment of Monte Carlo methods, techniques, and applications in the field of finance
Multifocal multiphoton microscopy (MMM) has greatly improved the utilization of excitation light and
We investigate the propagation of polarized light in fibrous tissues such as muscle and skin. The my
Because the brain edema has a crucial impact on morbidity and mortality, it is important to develop
我们将讨论由欧洲核研究组织超级质子同步加速器的NA49实验在Glauber Monte Carlo方法内逐事件测量的核碰撞中产生的带电粒子的多重波动。 我们在多粒子生产机制中使用了受伤的核子和夸克的概
This second edition of G. Winkler's successful book on random field approaches to image analysis, re