This new 7th edition of Pro C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Platform has been completely revised and rewritten to reflect the latest changes to the C# language specification and new advances in the .NET Framework. You'll find new chapters covering all the important new features that make .NET 4.6 the most cC#6.0 and the. net 4.6 frameworkCopyright c 20 1 5 by Andrew Troelsen and philip japikseThis work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whetherthe whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation,reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction onmicrofilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storageand retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilarmethodology now known or hereafter developed. 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PhilipContents at a glanceAbout the authorsAbout the Technical reviewerAcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart I: Introducing C# and the NET PlatformChapter 1: The Philosophy of NETChapter 2: Building Ct ApplicationsPart II: Core C# ProgrammingChapter 3: Core C+ Programming Constructs, Part IChapter 4: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part IIPart Ill: Object-Oriented Programming with C#Chapter 5: Understanding EncapsulationChapter 6: Understanding Inheritance and polymorphismChapter 7: Understanding Structured Exception HandlingChapter 8: Working with InterfacesPart IV: Advanced C# ProgrammingChapter 9: Collections and GenericsChapter 10: Delegates, Events, and Lambda ExpressionsChapter 11: Advanced c# Language FeaturesChapter 12: LiNQ to ObjectsChapter 13: Understanding Object LifetimePart V: Programming with .NET AssembliesChapter 14: Building and Configuring Class LibrariesChapter 15: Type Reflection, Late Binding, and AttributeBased ProgrammingChapter 16: Dynamic Types and the dynamic languageRuntimeChapter 17: Processes, AppDomains, and Object ContextsChapter 18: Understanding CIL and the role of dynamicAssembliesPart vi: introducing the net Base classLibrariesChapter 19: Multithreaded, Parallel, and AsyncProgrammingChapter 20: File 1/O and object serializationChapter 21: ADO.NET Part I: The Connected LayerChapter 22: ADO. NET Part II: The Disconnected LayerChapter 23: ADO. NET Part Il: Entity FrameworkChapter 24: Introducing LiNQ to XMLChapter 25: Introducing windows CommunicationFoundationPart vil: windows presentation foundationChapter 26: Introducing Windows Presentation Foundationand XAMLChapter 27: Programming with WPF ControlsChapter 28: WPF Graphics Rendering servicesChapter 29: WPF Resources, Animations, Styles, andTemplatesChapter 30: Notifications, Commands, validation, andMVVMPart VI: ASP.NeTChapter 31: Introducing asp.net Web formsChapter 32: ASP.NET Web Controls, Master Pages, andTHemesChapter 33: ASP.NET State Management TechniquesChapter 34: ASP.NET MVC and Web APIIndexContentsAbout the authorsAbout the Technical reviewerAcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart I: Introducing C# and the NET PlatformChapter 1: The Philosophy of. NETAn initial look at the net platformSome Key benefits of the. NET PlatformIntroducing the Building blocks of the. NET Platform(the CLR, Cts,and CLS)The Role of the Base Class LibrariesWhat C# Brings to the TableManaged vs Unmanaged CodeAdditional. NET-Aware Programming LanguagesLife in a multilanguage WorldAn Overview of. NEt assembliesThe role of the Common Intermediate LanguageBenefits of CILCompiling Cil to Platform-Specific InstructionsThe role of. NEt Type metadataThe role of the Assembly ManifestUnderstanding the Common Type SystemCTS Class TypesCTS Interface TypesCTS Structure TypesCTS Enumeration TypesCTS Delegate TypesCTS Type MembersIntrinsic CTs Data TypesUnderstanding the common language specificationEnsuring CLS ComplianceUnderstanding the Common Language RuntimeThe Assembly/Namespace/Type DistinctionThe role of the Microsoft root namespaceAccessing a Namespace ProgrammaticallyReferencing External assembliesExploring an Assembly Using ildasm.exeViewing cIl codeViewing Type MetadataViewing Assembly Metadata (aka the Manifest)The Platform-Independent Nature of. NETThe Mono ProjectMicrosoft net coreSummaryChapter 2: Building C# ApplicationsBuilding C# Applications on the Windows OsThe Visual studio express family of IDesThe Visual Studio Community Edition IDEThe Visual studio 2015 professional ideThe. NET Framework Documentation SystemBuilding. NET Applications Beyond the windows OsThe role of Amarin studioSummaryPart II: Core C# ProgrammingChapter 3: Core C# Programming Constructs, Part IThe Anatomy of a Simple C# ProgramVariations on the Main()MethodSpecifying an application Error CodeProcessing Command-Line ArgumentsSpecifying Command-Line Arguments with Visual StudioAn Interesting aside: Some Additional members of theSystem Environment ClassThe System. Console ClassBasic Input and Output with the Console ClassFormatting Console OutputFormatting Numerical DataFormatting Numerical Data Beyond Console ApplicationsSystem Data Types and Corresponding C# Key words