又是in Action丛书,2010版的,Chapter 1: Introducing portals and portlets Chapter 2: Portlet lifecycle Chapter 3: Portlet 2.0 API -Portlet objects and container runtime options Chapter 4: Portlet 2.0 API – Caching, security and localization Chapter 5: Build your own portal Chapter 6: Portlet tag library Chapter 7: Getting started with Spring Portlet MVC Chapter 8: Annotation-driven development with Spring Chapter 9: Integrating portlets with database Chapter 10: Personalizing portlets Chapter 11: Communicating with other portlets Chapter 12: AJAXing portlets Chapter 13: Reusable logic with portlet filters Chapter 14: Portlet bridges Chapter 15: Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) Appendix A – Getting started with GateIn portal Appendix B – Configuring Liferay with MySQL database