本书详细介绍了基于麦克斯韦方程组的电磁波的完整理论,主要内容包括电磁波理论中的基本定律与方程,传输线理论,电磁波的反向、透射、折射、绕射和散射,波导和谐振腔,辐射和天线理论基础,以及在狭义相对论指导下的、从洛伦兹协变的角度理解的麦克斯韦电磁波理论。Copyright c 1986 by Jin Au KongPublished by john Wiley Sons, ncAll rights reserved Publlshed simultaneously In CanadaReproduction or translation of any part of this workbeyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the1976 United states Copyright Act without the permissionof the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests forpermission or further information should be addressed tothe Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc.LIbrary of Congress Cataloging In Publication DataKong, Jin Au, 1942Electromagnetic wave theory1. Electromagnetic waves. L. TitleQc661.K6481985530141859554SBN0471828288Printed in the United States of America109876543PREFACEThis book presents a unified macroscopic theory of electromagnetic waves in accordance with the principle of special relativity fromthe point of view of the form invariance of Maxwell's equations and theconstitutive relations. Topics essential to the understanding of electro-magnetic waves are so selected and presented as to make the book a1segraduate text.Throughout the book electromagnetic waves are our primary con-cern. For example, when an electromagnetic wave encounters a mediumwe are concerned with how the wave is affected by the medium, ratherthan with the reaction of the medium to the wave field. In ChapterI, the fundamental equations and boundary conditions are presentedTime-harmonic fields are studied in Chapter II with the kDB sys-tem developed to treat waves in anisotropic and bianisotropic mediaChapter III is devoted to the treatment of reflection, transmission,guidance, and resonance of electromagnetic waves. Starting with thestudy of Cerenkov radiation, we present antenna theory with 'simplestructures in Chapter IV. Chapter V then elaborates on the varioustheorems and limiting cases of Maxwell's theory important to the understanding of electromagnetic wave behavior. Scattering by spherescylinders, rough surfaces, and volume inhomogeneities are studied inChapter VI. In Chapter VII, we present Maxwell'a theory from thepoint of view of Lorentz covariance in accordance with the principleof apecial relativity. The problem aection at the end of each chapterprovides useful exercise and applications. A solution manual accompanying the book is made available. The various topics in the book canbe taught independently, and the material is organized in the orderof increasing complexity in mathematical techniques and conceptualabstraction and sophisticationGreat emphasis is placed on the fundamental importance of thePrefaceE vector in electromagnetic wave theory. The magnitude of the wavevector K denoted by k, is called the wavenumber. We shall use sub-scripts and superscripts for k in order to differentiate between differentwave vectors and their components instead of defining new symbolsa word about notation is thus in order. A vector A is denoted withan overbar.A is a unit vector with magnitude equal to unity and de-noted with a hat, and dyadic or matrix A is denoted with a doublebar. For coordinate systems, the z axis is always pointing upward,the g axis to the right, and the y axis into the paper. The vectorA is expressed as A=Ax+Ay+2Ag, with i, ,, and 2 as theunit vectors in the A, g, and a directions. Cylindrical coordinates aredenoted by p, x; o is the polar angle with respect to the r axisP is the radial unit vector in the a-y plane. Spherical coordinatese denoted byφ; is the radial unit0 is the angle withrespect to the z axis. The real part of a complex quantity A is denoted by AR, and its imaginary part is denoted by Ar. For the wavevector k, the coordinate components h are hz, ku, hez in rectangularcoordinates;p, kf, Fx in cylindrical coordinates; k, ke, ky in spherical coordinates. The real and imaginary parts of the z component ofke in medium 1, for instance, are Klzr and kla. For time-harmonicfields we use the time-dependent factor e swf, which leads to familiarequations in quantum theory and facilitates integration in the complexplane. It alao leads to the definition of an impedance which is the complex conjugate of that used in circuit theory, but circuit concepts arenot emphasized. The field quantities in real space-time, in k space,or in w space are all distinguished by the use of their explicit inde-pendent variables, rather than different symbols or the same symbolswith different shapes. For four-dimensional notation the covarianttensors are denoted with subscript indices and contravariant tensorswith siptThe material in this book has been used in several graduate coursesthat i have been teaching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The development of the various concepts relies heavily on pub-lished work. I have not attempted the task of referring to all relevantpublications. The list of books and journal articles in the ReferenceSection at the end of the book is at best representative and by nomeans exhaustive. Some of the results contained in the book are takenfrom many of my research projects, which have been supported by theJoint Service Electronics Program,by grants and contracts from theefacevitNational Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-ministration, the Schlumberger-Doll Research, the Office of Naval Re-search, and the IBM CorporationDuring the writing and preparation of the present version, manypeople helped. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Soon YunPoh for his meticulous editing and insightful comments. Mike Tsukprepared most of the figures with computer graphics and Ruby LiSue Wang, and Julie Wu patiently typed and edited several revisionsOver the years, many of my teaching and research assistants provideduseful suggestions and proofreading, notably Leung Tsang, MichaelZuniga, Weng Chew, Tarek Habashy, Shun-Lien Chuang, Robert ShinJay Kyoon Lee, Apo Sezginer, and Eric Yang. I would like to expressmy gratitude to them and to the students whose enthusiastic responseand feedback give me joy and satisfaction in teaching. Last but notleast, I wish to thank my family members, who in many ways mademy task of writing this book an enjoyable experienceJ, A. KoCambridge, MassachusettsSeptember 1985CONTENTSChapter I FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS1. 1 Maxwell's Equations and ConstitutiveRelations12Wave Equations and Wave Solutions81.3 Conservation Theorems1.4Polarization161.5Boundary Conditions24Problems27Chapter II PROPAGATION IN HOMOGENEOUSMCDIA482.1Time-harmonic fiel4422P】 ane Wave Soluti512.3 Plane Waves in Homogeneous Media andche kDB sy24Plane Waves in Uniaxial media672.5 Plane Waves in Gyrotropic Media2.6 Plane Waves in Bianisotropic Media772.7 Plane Waves in Nonlinear Media79Problem87Chapter I REFLECTION, TRANSMISSION,GUIDANCE AND RESONANCE103Phase Matching1043.2Reflection and Transmission at aPlane Boundary1103.3 Reflection and Transmission by aarerealum1203.4Guidance by Conducting Parallel Plates1323.5 Guided Waves in Layered Media150Cylindrical Waveguide1643.7 Cavity Reresonators182Probler194Chapter IV RADIATION2194.ICeren koy Radiation2204.2 Green's Functions2254.3 Hertzian Dipoles2294.4Radiation Fields4.5Biconical Antennas2474.6Linear Array Antennas4.7Contour Ition methods48for Dipoles iLayered Media3094.9Dipole on One-IMedium3194.10 Dipole Above Layered Medium825Problems328Chapter V THEOREMS OF WAVES AND MEDIA 3575.1Equivalence Principle3585.2 Duality and Complementarity3675.3 Mathematical Formulations of theHuygens'Principle3765.4 Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction3855.5 Reaction and Reciprocity3965.6 Stationary Formulas and Rayleigh-RitzProcedure5.7Geometrical Optics Limit41558Paraxial Limit4365.9 Quasi-Static Limi4435.10 Quantization of Electromagnetic Waves448Problems460ContentsChapter VI SCATTERING4816.1Scattering by Spheres4826.2 Scattering by a Conducting Cylinder4896.3 Scattering by Periodic Rough Surfaces494Scattering by Periodic Media50765Scattering by Random Media5176.6Scattering by Random Rough Surfaces5276.7Effective Permittivity for a volumeScattering Medium550Problems563Chapter VII ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY ANDSPECIAL RELATIVITY5T77.1Lorentz TransformationMaxwell-Minkowski Theory5817.3Derivation of Transformation Formulas5857.4Transformation of Constitutive Relations5937.5 Transformation of Frequency and Wave Vector 59976Plane Waves in Moving Uniaxial Media607.7 Phase Matching at Moving Boundaries60678Guided Waves in a Moving Dielectric Slab60879Guided Waves in Moving Gyrotropic Media6117.10 Four-Dimensional notations6147.11 Harmilton's Principle and Noether's Theorem 624roblems631REFERENCES645INDEX669