
Code鼠 30 0 PDF 2019-05-13 17:05:14

practical vimWhat readers are saying aboutPractical vimI've learned more about Vim by reading this book than I have from any otherresourceRobert evansSoftware Engineer, Code WranglersAfter reading a couple of chapters of Practical Vim, I realized how little I knewFrom intermediate to beginner in thirty minutesHenrik NyhSoftware EngineerPractical vim continues to change what i believe a text editor can doJohn P. DaigleDeveloper, ThoughtWorks, IncDrew has continued the wonderful work he has done with vimcasts in this booka must-read for anyone serious about vimAnders JanmyrDeveloper, JaywayPractical vim bridges the gap between the official documentation and how to reallyuse Vim. After reading a few chapters, I switched to using Vim as my default editorI've never looked backJavier collado@A Automation Engineer, Canonical LtdDrew Neil does more than show the right tool for the job. He paces the narrativelaying out the philosophy behind each decision. Instead of expecting you tomemorize everything, Practical vim teaches you to think with vim under yourgertieMislay maroniConsultantI've been using vim for server maintenance for more than fifteen years now, butI've only recently started using it for software development. I thought i knew vimbut Practical vim has massively improved my code-wrangling productivity.Graeme mathiesonSoftware Engineer, Rubaidh LtdPractical vim made me realize how much there is still to learn about Vim. everysingle tip can be easily and immediately applied to your workflow and will improveyour productivity manifoldMathias meyerauthor riak handbookPractical Vim is the ultimate treasure chest when it comes to vim knowledge I'veused Vim daily for over two years now, and this book has been nothing short ofa revelation for meFelix geisendorferCofounder. TransloaditPractical im. Second editionEdit Text at the speed of ThoughtDrew neilThe Pragmatic BookshelfDallas, Texas. Raleigh, North CarolinaPragmaticBookshelfMany of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their productsare claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and The PragmaticProgrammers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed ininitial capital letters or in all capitals. The Pragmatic Starter Kit, The Pragmatic Programmer,Pragmatic Programming, Pragmatic Bookshelf, PragProg and the linking g device are trademarks of The Pragmatic Programmers, LLCEvery precaution was taken in the preparation of this book. However, the publisher assumesno responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages that may result from the use ofinformation (including program listings)contained hereinOur Pragmatic courses, workshops, and other products can help you and your team createbetter software and have more fun. For more information, as well as the latest Pragmatictitlespleasevisitusathttps://pragprog.comThe team that produced this book includesKatharine Dvorak (editor)Potomac Indexing, LLC (index)Cathleen Small (copyeditDave Thomas〔 layoutJanet Furlow (producer)Ellie Callahan(support)Forinternationalrightspleasecontactrights@pragprog.comCopyright o 2015 The Pragmatic Programmers, LLCAll rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior consent of the publisherPrinted in the United States of americaSBN-13:978-1-68050-127-8Encoded using the finest acid-free high-entropy binary digitsBook version: P1 1-January 2016ContentsAcknowledgmentsForeword to the first editionRead meRead the Forgotten manualXIX1. The Vim WayTip 1Meet the dot commandTip 2Dont Repeat Yourself4Tip 3Take One Step Back, Then Three ForwardTip 4Act, Repeat, Reverse8Tip 5Find and replace by HandTip 6Meet the dot formula11Part|-Modes2. Normal mode15Tip 7Pause with Your Brush Off the Page16Tip 8Chunk Your undos16Tip 9Compose repeatable Changes18Tip 10Use Counts to Do Simple arithmetic20Tip IlDont Count If You Can Repeat22Tip 12Combine and conquer243. Insert mode29Tip 13Make corrections Instantly from Insert Mode29Tip 14Get back to normal mode30Tip 15Paste from a Register Without Leaving Insert Mode 31Tip 16Do Back-of-the-Envelope calculations in Place33Tip 17Insert Unusual Characters by Character Code34Contents·viTip 18. Insert Unusual Characters by Digraph35Tip l9Overwrite Existing Text with Replace Mode364. Visual mode39TT1p20Grok Visual Mode3921Define a visual Selection41Tip 22Repeat line-Wise Visual Commands43Tip 23Prefer Operators to Visual Commands WherePossible45Tip 24Edit tabular data with Visual-Block mode47Tip 25Change Columns of Text49Tip 26Append After a Ragged Visual Block505. Command-Line mode53Tip 27Meet vims Command Line53Tip 28Execute a command on one or more consecutiveLines56Tip 29Duplicate or Move Lines Using: t' and: mCommands61Tip 30Run normal Mode commands across a range63Tip 31Repeat the Last Ex Command65Tip 32Tab-Complete Your Ex Commands67Tip 33Insert the Current Word at the Command Prompt68Tip 34Recall Commands from HistoryTip 35Run commands in the shell72Tip 36Run multiple ex commands as a batch76Part -Filles6. Manage Multiple files83Tip 37Track Open Files with the Buffer List83Tip 38Group buffers into a Collection with the argumentList86Tip 39.Manage Hidden Files89Tip 40Divide your workspace into Split windows92Tip 41Organize Your window Layouts with Tab Pages95ontents7. Open Files and Save Them to Disk99Tip a File by Its Filepath Using :edit99Tip 43Open a File by its Filename Using: find102Tip 44Explore the File system with netw104Tip 45Save files to nonexistent directories107Tip 46Save a File as the Super User108Part川— Getting Around Faster8. Navigate Inside Files with motions113Tip 47Keep Your Fingers on the Home Row114Tip 48Distinguish Between Real Lines and Display Lines 116Tip 49Move Word-wise118Tip 50. Find by Character120Tip 51Search to Navigate124Tip 52Trace Your Selection with Precision Text Objects 126Tip 53Delete around, or Change Inside129Tip 54. Mark Your Place and Snap Back to It131Tp55.Jump Between Matching Parentheses1329. Navigate Between Files with Jumps135Tip 56Traverse the Jump List135Tp57.Traverse the Change list137Tp58.Jump to the Filename Under the Cursor138Tip 59Snap between Files Using Global Marks141PartⅣ→ Registers10. Copy and Paste145Tip 60.Delete. Yank, and Put with vims UnnamedRegister145Tip 61Grok vims Registers148Tip 62Replace a visual Selection with a Register153Tip 63Paste from a Register155Tip 64Interact with the System Clipboard158Contents·vii11. Macros161Tip 65Record and execute a macro162Tip 66Normalize Strike. Abort165Tip 67Play back with a Count166Tip 68Repeat a Change on Contiguous Lines168Tip 69Append Commands to a Macro172Tip 70Act Upon a Collection of files173Tip 71Evaluate an iterator to number items in a list177Tip 72Edit the Contents of a macro180Part V-Patterns12. Matching Patterns and literal185Tip 73Tune the Case sensitivity of Search Patterns186Tip 74Use the \v Pattern Switch for Regex Searches187Tip 75Use the \v Literal switch for Verbatim Searches189Tip 76Use Parentheses to Capture submatches191Tip 77Stake the boundaries of a word193Tip 78Stake the boundaries of a match194Tip 79Escape Problem Characters19513. Search201Tip 80Meet the search Command201Tip 81Highlight Search Matches204Tip 82Preview the first match before execution205Tp83.Offset the cursor to the end of a search match206Tip 84Operate on a Complete Search Match208Tip 85Create Complex patterns by iterating upon SearchHistory211Tip 86Count the matches for the current pattern214Tip 87Search for the Current visual selection21614. Substitution219Tip 88Meet the Substitute command220Tip 89Find and Replace every match in a File222Tip 90Eyeball Each Substitution223Tip 9lReuse the last search Pattern225Tip 92Replace with the Contents of a Register226Tip 98Repeat the previous Substitute command229Tip 94. Rearrange CSV Fields Using Submatches232

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Generic placeholder image 卡了网匿名网友 2019-05-13 17:05:14

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