origin thin setup
Design of anisotropic reflector with birefringent thin films
A novel design for dielectric anisotropic mirrors with birefringent thin films for normal incidence
20 2021-05-09 -
Roboto Thin字体下载PPT模板
Roboto Thin 字体下载
11 2021-03-31 -
Thin film solar cells.pdf
Thin film solar cells.pdf
22 2021-04-03 -
Preparation of high performance thin film polarizers
The optical performance of thin film polarizers is highly sensitive to the layer thicknesses of thin
20 2021-02-24 -
Density and refractive index of thin evaporated films
Optical coatings based on multilayers are prepared. The dependence of the refractive index of SiO2,
21 2021-04-19 -
Vetmup: Vetmup (Very Thin Music Player)
Vetmup是一款基于Qt Quick技术开发的轻量级音乐播放器,它的设计目标是提供简洁而功能齐全的音乐播放体验。Qt Quick是Qt框架的一部分,专注于UI的快速开发,使用QML语言创建动态、响应
0 2024-10-11 -
packtub client server thin client源码
服务器 该项目代表服务器-客户端体系结构中的服务器。 您可以使用主类运行项目: 银行申请 您可以使用提供的swagger ui访问API文档: http://localhost:8080/swagge
27 2021-02-22 -
Dependence of wavefront errors on nonuniformity of thin films
In contrast to uncoated substrate, a nonlinear relationship of phase shift with the thicknesses of t
19 2021-02-09 -
Design and fabrication of thin film spatial filter
The combination of lens and pinhole limits the enhancement of the laser output power in the high-pow
14 2021-02-09 -
26 2019-02-18