Foreword to the First Edition嵌入式系统结构介绍,入门基础读物,比较全面的介绍了嵌入式系统的相关技术,该书是第一版,现在已有第二版,但内容变化不大,可以了解阅读。Embedded Systems ArchitectureA Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and ProgrammersTammy nergaardAMSTERDAM· BOSTON· HEIDELBERO· LONDON· NEWYORK· OXFORD· PARISSAN DIEGO· SAN FRANCISCO· SINGAPORE· SYDNEY· TOKYOELSEVIERNewnes is an imprint of ElsevieNewnesThe material in this book is excerpted from Placing the Suspect behind theKeyboard: Using Digital Forensics and Investigative Techniques toIdentify Cybercrime suspectsFor more First Look titles and Syngress offers, go to store. elsevier. com/Syngress FirstLookNewnes is an imprint of elsevierThe boulevard. Langford lane. Kidlington Oxford oX5IGB225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USAFirst edition 2005Second edition 2013Copyright@ 2013, 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage andretrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, furtherinformation about the Publishers permissions policies and our arrangement with organizations such as theCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyrightLicensingAgency, book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher(otherthan as may be noted herein)NnoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden ourunderstanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessarPractitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and know ledge inevaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described hereinIn using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safetof others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibilityTo the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liabilityfor any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, orfrom any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material hereinBritish Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalog record for this book is available from the library of CongressISBN:978-0-12-382196-6For information on all Newnes publicationsvisit our website at store. elsevier. comTypeset by MPS Limited, Chennai, Indiawww.adi-mps.comPrinted and bound in the united states1314151610987654321Working together to growlibraries in developing countrieswww.elsevier.comwww.bookaid.orgwww.sabre.orgElsevier BOOKAD Sabre FoundationForeword to the First EditionWhen Tammy nergaard first told me she wanted to write a soup-to-nuts book aboutbuilding embedded systems I tried to dissuade her. This field is so vast, requiring insight intoelectronics, logic circuits, computer design, software engineering, C, assembly, and far moreBut as we talked she showed me how the industrys literature lacks a definitive work on thesubject. I warned her of the immensity of the projectA year and many discussions later Fedex arrived with the review copy of this book. Atapproximately 700 pages it's appropriately twice the size of almost any other opus onthe subject. The book you're holding truly is"A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers andProgrammers. Sure, the minutiae of programming a PIC's timer might have been left out, butthe scope is vast and importantTammy starts with the first principles of electronics and advances through software to theexpensive end-phase of maintenance. She treats hardware and software as an integratedwhole, which sort of defines the nature of embedded systems. Ironically, though, developersare increasingly specialized. More than a few software folks havent a clue about transistorswhile too many EEs cant accurately define middleware. I fear readers may skip thosechapters that dont immediately pertain to the project at handResist any such temptation gentle reader Become a true master, an embedded sage, bybroadening your horizons to cover all aspects of this fascinating field. We engineers areprofessionals; you and i know this in our hearts. Yet true professionals are those who learnnew things, who apply newly evolving technologies to solve problems. Consider doctorsthe discovery and production of penicillin in the 1940s changed the profession of medicineforever. Any doc who ignored this new technology, who continued to practice using only theskills learned in college, was suddenly rendered a butcher Software and hardware developersare faced with the same situation. C wasnt taught when I went to school. The FPGA hadntbeen invented GOTOs were still just fine, thank you. We learned to program microprocessorsin machine code using primitive toolchains. Today--well, we know how much has changedThe rate of change is increasing; change's first derivative is an ever-escalating positivenumber. Professional developers will read this book from cover to cover, and will constantlyseek out other sources of information. If you're not at least surfing through a half dozenxii foreword to the first editiontechnical magazines a month and reading a handful of books like this per year, then it wonttake a Cretaceous asteroid to make you a dinosaurSome of this book might surprise you. Ten pages about reading datasheets? Fact is, datasheetsare dense formal compilations of contractual material. The vendor promises the part wildoX"as long as we use it in an agreed-on manner. Violate any of perhaps thousandsof specifications and the part will either not work or will be unreliable. With some partsdissipating 100 watts or more, even such arcana as thermal characteristics are as important asthe device's instruction setTammy's generous use of examples elucidates the more obscure points. Engineeringwhether hardware or softwareis the art of building things and solving problems. Theacademics can work with dry theory; we practicing developers often learn best by seeinghow something works. So the chapter on device drivers does explain the intricacies ofbuilding these often-complex bits of code, but couples the explanation to a wealth ofreal-world examplesFinally, Tammy's words about the architecture business Cycle of embedded systems resonatestrongly with me. We dont build these things just to have a good time(though we sure hopeto have one along the way), but to solve important business problems. Every decision wemake has business implications. Use too little horsepower and development costs skyrocket-sometimes to the point of making the project unviable. a poor analysis of the problemthat leads you to toss in an excess of Flash might drive costs unacceptably high. Select acomponent(hardware or software) from a failing company and your outfit may share in thevendor s demiseEnjoy this book, and futureproof your career at the same timeJack GanssleAcknowledgmentsMy greatest debt in creating this second edition goes to my readers and reviewers, who I hopewill be pleasantly surprised to see how many of their suggestions have been incorporated intothe book. They include Dr Al M. Zied, both of my brothers(especially my younger brotherwho also provided me the inspiration to write this book in the first place), Jack Ganssle, andSteve baileyThank you to my publisher Elsevier, specifically to the Elsevier team for their hard work anddedication in makingthis book a realityI would also like to acknowledge my Terma team members as some of the most talentedI have been lucky enough to work with, as well as my mentor when I was with SonyElectronics, Kazuhisa Maruoka. Maruoka-san patiently trained me to design televisionsand gave me such a strong foundation upon which to grow, as well as my manager at SonyElectronics, Satoshi Ishiguro, who took a chance and hired me. My journey in the embeddedsystems field that has led me to writing this book began with the great people i worked withat Sony in Japan and in San DiegoThank you to my family for their support For my beautiful girls Mia and Sarah, thankyou for always gifting me with endless smiles, hugs, and kisses. Thank you, Mom and mybrothers and sister in Southern California for their support and for encouraging me every stepof the wayFinally, a very special thanks to Kenneth Knudsen and his welcoming, loving family. Alsothe Us Embassy for all their support, other fellow Americans here in Denmark, and to thelovely Danes I have been lucky enough to have in my life--shining the light on the hardestdays while i was working to finish this edition in denmark. To all the other friends who havetouched Mias, Sarahs, and my life here in Denmark. I will always be gratefulabout the authorTammy Noergaard is uniquely qualified to write about all aspects of embedded systems. Sincebeginning her career, she has gained wide experience in product development, system designand integration, operations, sales, marketing, and training. She has design experience usingmany hardware platforms, operating systems, middleware, and languages. Tammy worked forSony as a lead software engineer developing and testing embedded software for analog tvsand also managed and trained new embedded engineers and programmers The televisions shehelped to develop in japan and california were critically acclaimed and rated #1 in ConsumerReports magazines. She has consulted internationally for many years, for companiesincluding Esmertec and WindRiver, and has been a guest lecturer in engineering classes at theUniversity of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, as well as giving technical talks atthe invitation of Aarhus University for professionals and students in Denmark. Tammy hasalso given professional talks at the Embedded Internet Conference and the Java Users Groupin San Jose over the years. Most recently. her experience has been utilized in denmark tohelp ensure the success of fellow team members and organizations in building best-in-classembedded systemsXVSECTIONIntroduction toEmbedded SystemsIntroduction to Embedded SystemsThe field of embedded systems is wide and varied, and it is difficult to pin down exactdefinitions or descriptions. However, Chapter 1 introduces a useful model that can be appliedto any embedded system. This model is introduced as a means for the reader to understandthe major components that make up different types of electronic devices, regardless of theircomplexity or differences. Chapter 2 introduces and defines the common standards adheredto when building an embedded system Because this book is an overview of embeddedsystems architecture, covering every possible standards-based component that could beimplemented is beyond its scope. Therefore, significant examples of current standards-basedcomponents have been selected, such as networking and Java, to demonstrate how standardsdefine major components in an embedded system The intention is for the reader to be ableto use the methodology behind the model, standards, and real-world examples to understandany embedded system, and to be able to apply any other standard to an embedded systemsdesign