目 录 前言 2 1.需求说明书 7 1.1需求定义工作流(THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION WORKFLOW) 7 1.1.1定义测试范围(Defining the Testing Scope) 8 1.1.2创建测试需求大纲(Creating the Testing Requirements Outline) 8 1.1.3定义需求(Defining Requirements) 9 1.1.4分析需求定义(Analyzing your Requirements Specification) 9 1.2需求模块概述(THE REQUIREMENTS MODULE) 10 1.2.1需求模块 10 1.2.2需求菜单栏(The Requirements Menu Bar) 14 1.2.3 需求工具栏(The Requirements Toolbar) 14 1.2.4需求树(Requirements Tree) 15 1.3开发需求树(DEVELOPING REQUIREMENTS TREE) 17 1.3.1关于需求树(About the Requirements Tree) 17 1.3.2 创建需求(Creati ng Requirements) 18 1.3.3更新需求(Updating Requirements) 19 1.3.4 查找需求(Finding Requirements) 20 1.3.5替换值(Replacing Field Values) 21 1.3.6查看需求树(Viewing the Requirements Tree) 22 1.3.7查看需求历史(Viewing Requirement History) 24 1.3.8 邮寄需求(Mailing Requirements) 24 1.3.9 查看关联缺陷(Linking Defects) 27 1.3.10修改需求树(Modifying the Requirements Tree) 28 1.3.11 从需求创建测试(Creating Tests from Requirements) 30 2.测试计划 35 2.1测试计划工作流(THE TEST PLAN WORKFLOW) 35 2.1.1定义测试策略(Defining Testing Strategy) 36 2.1.2定义测试主题(Defining Test Subjects) 37 2.1.3设计测试(Planning Tests) 37 2.1.4创建需求覆盖(Creating Requirements Coverage) 38 2.1.5设计测试步骤(Designing Test Steps) 38 2.1.6自动测试(Automating Tests) 39 2.1.7分析测试计划(Analyzing Your Test Plan) 39 2.2测试计划模块概述(THE TEST PLAN MODULE) 40 2.2.1 测试计划模块 40 2.2.2 测试计划菜单栏(The Test Plan Menu Bar) 41 2.2.3 测试计划工具栏(The Test Plan Toolbar) 42 2.2.4测试网格(The Test Grid) 43 2.3开发测试计划树(DEVELOPING TEST PLAN TREE) 46 2.3.1关于测试计划树(About the Test Plan Tree) 47 2.3.2 创建测试计划树(Creating a Test Plan Tree) 48 2.3.3 添加测试到测试计划树(Adding Tests to a Test Plan Tree) 49 2.3.4查看测试计划树(Viewing the Test Plan Tree) 52 6.5关联缺陷到测试(Associating Defects with a Test) 54 2.3.6 邮寄测试(Mailing Tests) 56 2.3.7在树中查找测试(Finding Tests in the Tree) 58 2.3.8排列测试计划树(Sorting a Test Plan Tree) 59 2.3.9修改测试计划树(Modifying the Test Plan Tree) 60 2.4连接测试到需求(LINKING TESTS TO REQUIREMENTS) 62 2.4.1关于连接测试到需求(About Linking Tests to Requirements) 62 2.4.2 连接需求到一个测试(Linking Requirements to a Test) 64 2.4.3 连接测试到一个需求(Linking Tests to a Requirement) 67 2.4.4分析覆盖(Analyzing Coverage) 69 2.5建立测试(BUILDING TESTS) 70 2.6 70 3.测试执行 70 4.缺陷跟踪 70 5.质量中心分析 70