Physically Based Rendering(Third Edition)Physically based Rendering is a terrific book. It covers all the marvelous math, fascinatingphysics, Practical software engineering, and clever tricks that are necessary to write a stateof-the-art photorealistic renderer. All of these topics are dealt with in a clear and pedagogicalmanner without omitting the all-important practical detailspbrt is not just a"toy implementation of a ray tracer but a general and robust full-scaleglobal illumination renderer. It contains many important optimizations to reduce executiontime and memory consumption for complex scenes. Furthermore, pbrt is easy to extend toexperiment with other rendering algorithm variationsThis book is not only a textbook for students but also a useful reference book for practitionersin the field. The third edition has been extended with new sections on bidirectional pathtracing, realistic camera models, and a state-of-the-art explanation of subsurface scatteringPer christensenSenior Software Developer, renderMan products, Pixar Animation StudiosLooking for a job in research or high end rendering? Get your kick-start education andcreate your own project with this book that comes along with both theory and real examples,meaning real code and real content for your renderer.With their third edition, Matt Pharr, Greg Humphreys, and Wenzel Jakob provide easyaccess to even the most advanced rendering techniques like multiplexed Metropolis lighttransport and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Most importantly, the framework lets you skipthe bootstrap pain of getting data into and out of your renderere holistic approach of literate programming results in a clear logic of an easy-to-study teIf you are serious about graphics, there is no way around this unique and extremely valuablebook that is closest to the state of the artAlexander kellDirector of research nvidiaThis page intentionally left blankPhysically Based RenderingF感回呂回感吗回回宮宮T同回NTHIRD EDITIONMATT PHARRWENZEL JAKOBGREG HUMPHREYSAMSTERDAM· BOSTON· HEIDELBERG· LONDONNEW YORK· OXFORD· PARIS· SAN DIEGOSAN FRANCISCO· SINGAPORE· SYDNEY· TOKYOELSEVIERMorgan Kaufmann is an imprint of ElsevierMORGAN KAUFMANN PUBLISHERSMorgan Kaufmann is an imprint of elsevier50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, USAc 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage andretrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seekpermission, further information about the Publishers permissions policies and ourarrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by thePublisher(other than as may be noted hereinNoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research andexperience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, ormedical treatment may become necessaryPractitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge inevaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described hereinIn using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safetyof others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibilityTo the fullest extent of the law neither the publisher nor the authors contributors or editorsassume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of productsliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products,instructions, or ideas contained in the material hereinLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA catalog record for this book is available from the Library of CongressBritish Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibrarySBN:978-0-12-800645-0For information on all Morgan Kaufmann publicationsvisitourwebsiteathttps://www.elsevier.comWorking togetherto grow libraries inELSEVER eok aid developing Todd greenEditorial Project Manager: Jennifer PierceProduction Project Manager: Mohana NatarajanCover Designer: Victoria PearsonTypeset by: Windfall Software and SPi globalTo Deirdre, who even let me bring the manuscript on our honeymoonM。PTo Olesya, who thought it was cute that my favorite book is a computer programTo Isabel and Leila, the two most extraordinary people I've ever met. May your pixelsnever besquares.GHABOUT THE AUTHORSMatt Pharr is a Software Engineer at Google. He previously co-founded Neoptica, whichwas acquired by Intel, and co-founded Exluna, which was acquired by NViDiA. He hasa B.S. degree from Yale and a Ph. D. from the Stanford Graphics Lab, where he workedunder the supervision of Pat hanrahanWenzel jakob is an assistant professor in the School of computer and Communication Sciences at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne(epFl). His research interests revolve around material appearance modeling, rendering algorithms, and the highdimensional geometry of light paths. Wenzel obtained his Ph D at Cornell Universityunder the supervision of steve marschner, after which he joined Eth Zurich for postdoctoral studies under the supervision of olga Sorkin hornung. Wenzel is also the leaddeveloper of the mitsuba renderer, a research-oriented rendering systemGreg Humphreys is Director of Engineering at Fan Duel, having previously worked onthe Chrome graphics team at Google and the OptiX GPU ray-tracing engine at NViDiaBefore that, he was a professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia, wherehe conducted research in both high-performance and physically based computer graphicS, as well as computer architecture and visualization. Greg has a B.S.E. degree fromPrinceton and a Ph. D in Computer Science from Stanford under the supervision of PatHanrahan. When he's not tracing rays, Greg can usually be found playing tournamentbridContentsPREFACEXIXCHAPTER O1 NTRODUCTIONLiterate Programming1.1.1Indexing and Cross-Referencing1.2Photorealistic Rendering and the ray-Tracing Algorith. Intersections1.2.3Light distribution1. ScatterirIndirect Light Transport1.2.71.3pbrt: System Overview151.3.1f Executi171. Interface and SamplerIntegrator241.3.4The Main Rendering Loop261.3.5An Integrator for Whitted Ray tracingParallelization of pbrt381.4.1Data Races and coordination1.4.2Conventions in pbrt1.4.3Thread Safety Expectations in pbrt1.5How to Proceed through This book44.5.11.6Using and understanding the code1.6Abrsus efficie1.6.3Code Optimization1.6.4The book Web site1.6.5Extending the system1.6.6Bu1.7a Brief History of Physically Based Rendering487.2Further readine53Exercise55CONTENTSCHAPTER 02. GEOMETRY AND TRANSFORMATIONS 572.1Coordinate Systems572.1te System Handedness2.2Vectors592.2.1Dot and cross productNormalization2.2.3Miscellaneous operations2.2.4Coordinate System from a Vector2.3Points672.4Normals2.5Ra2.5.1Ray differentials742.6Bounding boxes752.7Transformations812.7.1Homogeneous Coordinates2.7.2Basic Operations2.7.3Translations2.7.4Scaling2.7.5x,y,and z Axis rotations88882.7.6Rotation around an arbitrary axi2.7.7The look-At transformation2.8Applying Transformations932.8.1Points2. boxes2.8.6Composition of Transformations2.8.7Transformations and Coordinate System handedness2.9Animating transformations972.9.1Quaternions2.9.2Quaternion Interpolation1012.9.3AnimatedTransform Implementation1032.9.4Bounding Moving Bounding Boxes1072.10Interactions1142.10.1Surface Interaction116Further reading120Exercises121CHAPTER O3 SHAPES123Basic Shape Interface1233.1.1B1243.1.2Ray-Bounds IntersectionsAn asterisk denotes a section with advanced content that can be skipped on a first reading