游戏编程模式,英文原版,全书600多页Yes, mostly. I have MatchBook enabled on theeditionIf you buy the print copy, you can get the Kindle version forjust $3.00. I don t have a way to set up anything similar for theother eBook formats, unfortunately.i had you in mind when i decided to put the entire contents ofthe book on the web for free. i put more than five years of mylife into this book, and i want as many people to have access toit as possible. The web version is also a great starting point tosee if you like the book before you plunk down cash.Heck no! If you have been kind enough to pay for the book, Iwant to give you the most flexibility i can. You should be ableto freely transfer it to all of your devices, archive it, etc.CreateSpace does not directly ship to Canada which is why youdont see it on amazon. ca instead. a kind reader tells me thatyou can get it from Book Depository. If that doesn't work, youmay be able to buy it from amazon. com orbarnesandnoble. com and get it shipped from the usWho am I?I'm Bob Nystrom. I started writing this book while working atElectronic Arts. In my eight years there, I saw a lot of beautifulcode, and a lot of not-SO-beautiful code My hope was that Icould take what I learned from the good stuff, write it downhere, and then teach it to the people writing the awful stuffIf you want to get in touch with me, you can emailsite or just ask me()on twitter. If you justcant get enough of my writing, I also have a blog. If you likethe book, youll probably like it tooKeep in TouchPart of the magic of writing a book online is that it 's easy tohange. If you find mistakes or have suggestions, please don't The mailinghesitate to file a bug or send me a pull requestlistI'd love to be able to contact too. If you put your emailYour email addressaddress in the little box, I'll let you know about updates to thebook. i post less than once a month so don t worry about meSign me up!Spanning youo 2009-2014 Robert NystromGame programmingPatternsHey, Game DeveloperDo you struggle to make your code hang together into acohesive whole?Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows?Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything isintertwined with everything else?Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games?Hear things like cache coherency "and"object pools", butdon't know how to use them to make your game faster?I'm here to help! i wrote this book to answer those questions. It's a collection of patterns Ifound in games to make code cleaner. easier to understand and fasterIt's Free and onlineThis is the book I wish I had when I started making games, and i want you to have it now!Want to read it on paper/eBook?Im working on those now! Join the mailing list and I'll tell youwhen theyre readyemail addressSign me up!(I post less than once a month. Don't worry, I won't spam youStart ReadingTable of contentsAcknowledgementsBehavioral patternsIntroductiono Bytecodeo Architecture Performance ando Subclass sandboxGamespe ObjectDesign Patterns RevisitedDecoupling Patternso Commando ComponentFlyweighto Event Queueo Observero Service locatoro PrototypeOptimization Patternso Singletono Data LocalityStateDirty FlagSequencing Patternso Object Poolo Double buffero Spatial Partitiono Game LoopUpdate MethodWho Am I?I'm Bob Nystrom. I started writing this book while workingat Electronic Arts. In my eight years there, I saw a lot ofbeautiful code, and a lot of really horrendous code. My hopewas that i could take what i learned from the beautiful stuffwrite it down here, and then teach it to the people writingthe awful stuffIf you want to get in touch with me, you can email bob atthis site or just ask me(@munificentbob) on twitter.Have Feedback?Part of the magic of writing a book online is that it' s easy to change If you find mistakes orhave suggestions, please dont hesitate to file a bug or send me a pull request0 2009-2014 Robert NystromPrevious ChapterAbout 5 The bookNext ChapterTable of contentsGame Programming patternsi. Acknowledgements1. Architecture Performance, and gamesII2. Command3. Flyweight4. Observer5. Prototype6. SingletonStateIII8. Double buffer9. Game Loop10. Update Method11. Bytecode12. Subclass sandbox13. Type Object14. Component15. Event Queue16. Service locatorYI17. Data Locality18. Dirty Flag19. Object Po0. Spatial Partitionevious ChapterAbout The BookNext Chapter← Previous Chapter≡ The bookNext Chapter→AcknowledgementsGame Programming PatternsI've heard only other authors know what's involved in writing a book but there is anothertribe who know the precise weight of that burden-those with the misfortune of being in arelationship with a writer. I wrote this in a space of time painstakingly carved from thedense rock of life for me by my wife Megan. Washing dishes and giving the kids baths maynot be "writing,, but without her doing those this book wouldnt be hereI started this project while a programmer at Electronic Arts. I don't think the companyknew quite what to make of it, and Im grateful to Michael Malone, Olivier Nallet, andRichard Wifall for supporting it and providing detailed, insightful feedback on the first fewchaptersAbout halfway through writing, i decided to forgo a traditional publisher. I knew thatmeant losing the guidance an editor brings, but I had email from dozens of readers tellingme where they wanted the book to go Id lose proofreaders, but I had over 250 bug reportsto help improve the prose I'd give up the incentive of a writing schedule, but with readerspatting my back when I finished each chapter, I had more than enough motivationWhat I didn't lose was a copy editor Lauren Briese showed up just whenneeded her and did a wonderful jobThey call this"self publishing,, but"crowd publishing" is closer to the mark. Writing canbe lonely work, but I was never alone. Even when I put the book on a shelf for two yearsthe encouragement continued. without the dozens of people who didn 't let me forget thatthey were waiting for more chapters, I never would have picked it back up and finishedSpecial thanks go to Colm Sloan who pored over every single chapter inthe book twice and gave me mountains of fantastic feedback all out ofthe goodness of his own heart, I owe you a beer or twentyTo everyone who emailed or commented, upvoted or favorited, tweeted or retweeted,anyone who reached out to me, or told a friend about the book, or sent me a bug report:my heart is filled with gratitude for you. Completing this book was one of my biggest goalsin life, and you made it happen.Thank you!Previous ChapterThe bookNext Chaptero 2009-2015 Robert Nystrom← Previous Chapter≡ The bookNext Chapter→IntroductionGame Programming PatternsIn fifth grade, my friends and i were given access to a little unused classroom housing acouple of very beat-up TRS-80S. Hoping to inspire us, a teacher found a printout of somesimple basic programs for us to tinker withThe audio cassette drives on the computers were broken, so any time we wanted to runsome code, wed have to carefully type it in from scratch. This led us to prefer programsthat were only a few lines long10 PRINTBOBBY IS RADICAL!!!20G0T010Maybe if the computer prints it enough times, it will mag ically becometrueEven so, the process was fraught with peril. We didnt know to program, so a tinysyntax error was impenetrable to us. If the program didnt work, which was often, wetarted over from the beginningAt the back of the stack of pages was a real monster: a program that took up several densepages of code. It took a while before we worked up the courage to even try it, but it wasirresistible -the title above the listing was" Tunnels and Trolls,. We had no idea what itdid, but it sounded like a game, and what could be cooler than a computer game that youprogrammed yourself?We never did get it running, and after a year we moved out of that classroom. much laterwhen i actually knew a bit of BASIC, i realized that it was just a character generator for thetable-top game and not a game in itself. But the die was cast--from there on out, i wantedto be a game programmerWhen i was in my teens, my family got a macintosh with QuickBaSiC and later tilInK CI spent almost all of my summer vacations hacking together games. Learning on my ownwas slow and painful. Id get something up and running easily-maybe a map screen ora