LCQMCLarge scale Chinese Question Matching Corpus是一个大规模的中文文本匹配数据集.它包含超过400000个标记为重复或非重复的问题对.该数据集由中国科
Large-Scale Graph Processing Using Apache Giraph, Sherif SakrFaisal Moeen OrakzaiIbrahim AbdelazizZu
大规模的web 搜索引擎技术领域的相关技术的有关总结,初学者和有经验的开发者都可以从中得到想要的东东
Fast large-scale optimization by unifying stochastic gradient and quasi-Newton methods
Large-scale image retrieval based on the vocabulary tree
Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale WebImage Search
A Large Scale Multi-Objective Ontology Matching Framework
Machine Learning with Python - An Approach to Applied Machine Learning 《Python机器学习》通过解释数学原理和展示编程示例对机
A. CHOCKALINGAM AND B. SUNDAR RAJAN大规模MIMO系统5G天线多输入多输出天线无线5G技术Massive MIMO Antenna