《C++ Primer plus》是2015年人民邮电出版社出版的图书,作者是史蒂芬·普拉达。该书讲述了C语言基础知识和C++新增的特性。 C++是在C语言基础上开发的一种集面向对象编程、通用编程和传统的过程化编程于一体的编程语言。本书是根据2003年的ISO/ANSI C++标准编写的,通过大量短小精悍的程序详细而全面地阐述了C++的基本概念和技术。 全书分17章和10个附录,分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、类的设计和使用、多态、虚函数、动态内存分配、继承、代码重用、友元、异常处理技术、string类和标准模板库、输入/输出等内容 C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition New C++11 Coverage C++ Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. An accessible and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming as well as developers already proficient in other languages. The sixth edition of C++ Primer Plus has been updated and expanded to cover the latest developments in C++, including a detailed look at the new C++11 standard. Author and educator Stephen Prata has created an introduction to C++ that is instructive, clear, and insightful. Fundamental programming concepts are explained along with details of the C++ language. Many short, practical examples illustrate just one or two concepts at a time, encouraging readers to master new topics by immediately putting them to use. Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter help readers zero in on the most critical information and digest the most difficult concepts. In C++ Primer Plus, you'll find depth, breadth, and a variety of teaching techniques and tools to enhance your learning: * A new detailed chapter on the changes and additional capabilities introduced in the C++11 standard * Complete, integrated discussion of both basic C language and additional C++ features* Clear guidance about when and why to use a feature* Hands-on learning with concise and simple examples that develop your understanding a concept or two at a time* Hundreds of practical sample programs* Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter to test your understanding* Coverage of generic C++ gives you the greatest possible flexibility* Teaches the ISO standard, including discussions of templates, the Standard Template Library, the string class, exceptions, RTTI, and namespacesTable of Contents 1: Getting Started with C++ 2: Setting Out to C++ 3: Dealing with Data 4: Compound Types 5: Loops and Relational Expressions 6: Branching Statements and Logical Operators 7: Functions: C++'s Programming Modules 8: Adventures in Functions 9: Memory Models and Namespaces 10: Objects and Classes 11: Working with Classes 12: Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation 13: Class Inheritance 14: Reusing Code in C++ 15: Friends, Exceptions, and More 16: The string Class and the Standard Template Library 17: Input, Output, and Files 18: The New C++11 Standard A Number Bases B C++ Reserved Words C The ASCII Character Set D Operator Precedence E Other Operators F The stringTemplate Class G The Standard Template Library Methods and Functions H Selected Readings and Internet Resources I Converting to ISO Standard C++ J Answers to Chapter Reviews