This document describes a MATLAB implementation of the 3GPP Spatial Channel Model (SCM) [3GPP03]. The accompanying MATLAB code implements the system level channel model described in Section 5 of [3GPP03], except the “far scatterer clusters” feature from Section 5.5.2 and the intercell interference feature from Section 5.7. These features were left out of the implementation because they make certain restricting assumptions about the network layout. The current implementation has no built-in assumptions on network geometry and is hence usable for a variety of simulation purposes. The channel model takes the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radio link parameters, model configuration parameters, and antenna parameters as inputs, and outputs the MIMO channel matrices. Channel matrices can be generated for multiple BS-MS links with one function call. The output is a multi-dimensional array which contains the channel impulse responses for a pre-defined number of radio links. Mapping of MS-BS distances, array orientations and MS mobility parameters into the SCM input format is left to the system simulator program. To make using of the model easier default (random) parameters can be used. Channel convolution and other related operations are beyond the scope of the implemented channel model. The work presented in this report has been in most parts carried out in Workpackage 5 of the WINNER1 project [WIN]